News from Vaylats

The Convent of Vaylats, France, is as dynamic as ever. Recently  the doors and windows have been “open to the world”, especially the rural world. Sr Christiane, and Mr Brochard, Director of the Association Jean Liauzu, tell us about what has been happening.



“In the community, the Sisters are getting older, but there is a great fraternity. For example, when a Sister can no longer leave her room, the others take turns to spend time with her. There is a Sister who reads to those who can no longer read for themselves.


Some go to say the rosary with the Sisters who remain in their rooms. We adapt to the handicaps of each one, but there is life.




We try to remain lively by meeting for spiritual activities. We also propose other activities such as relaxation, reading, and board games, for the religious community and the lay residents.

Sr Christiane


Our Sisters in Vaylats live out “We can contemplate him in everyone of our brethern.” Rule of Life no 29


To see the video, click below

New partnerships


“This winter we have organised very activities because of Covid. The measures are now being lifted and life will resume as normal in February.

Partnerships are being forged with the rural world, including two with the Social and Agricultural Mutuality (MSA) and Groupama Insurance, the farmers’ mutual insurance company. Farmers from the Chamber of Agriculture will also be present to speak about the Common Agricultural Policy of the member states of the European Union. These entities come for board meetings, and they are partnerships that fit well with the spirit of the Convent.



We also have partnerships with the services of the Church such as the Communities of Christian Life (CVX), and Coteaux Païs, the Jesuit spiritual centre for the southeast Vaylats. We see  the Secours Catholique more and more often, as well as others.

In terms of the lay residents that we welcome, numbers have increased a little.”

Mr Brochard



Vaylats, dynamism and life to spare!


Interview by Sr Agnès Miquel fj,

Pontivy, France


Un peu


notre famille



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