Become a Daughter of Jesus

Welcome, clarify and deepen a desire

You carry the desire to let yourself be guided by Christ, by the Word of God

You thirst to put yourself at the service of others, especially the poorest, the most vulnerable

You feel attracted to crossing borders

You want to participate in the respect of the dignity of every person

You are inhabited by the values of proximity, simplicity, justice, and you would like to share them with others

Have you thought that religious life can be a life path for you?

clarify and
deepen a desire

Becoming a Daughter of Jesus


a journey in several stages to grow in inner freedom following Jesus Christ.
A journey that promotes an integral, human and spiritual formation.


This stage, between 6 months and 2 years, allows you to go further in the “Come and see

  • by getting to know one another better,
  • by living in a community to share daily life, prayer life and mission
  • by participating in certain courses or sessions
  • by continuing an accompaniment
Viens et Vois


By taking a step back from professional activity, commitments, family, friends, this stage of 2 years, allows you to make your own the foundations of religious life in the religious family of the Daughters of Jesus.
Viens et Vois


  • by intensifying your relationship with Christ
  • by deepening the spirituality, the charism, the story of the Daughters of Jesus in its international dimension
  • by discovering and experiencing the evangelical meaning of the vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity as well as fraternal life in community
  • by participating in meetings, sessions with novices from other congregations,
  • by living different apostolic experiences

The novitiate is international. It takes place in a country of the Congregation, currently in France.

At the end of the novitiate, the first commitment is lived by the vows of obedience, chastity and poverty, by being sent to a community.
The stage of being a temporary professed sister begins.


This stage, 9 years maximum, allows you to develop the sense of belonging to the religious family of the Daughters of Jesus and a greater integration into the Congregation Body in its diversity of ages and cultures, through:
  • fraternal life in community
  • professional experience,
  • a time of study,
  • preparation for final vows
  • accompaniment

At the end of this stage, DEFINITIVE (Final) COMMITMENT is celebrated:
a Daughter of Jesus forever at the service of the Church and the world.


In the Congregation, with the sisters and associates, the life project of each Daughter of Jesus is “to Honour the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God”, to enter into the dynamism of the Spirit of Jesus, to continue in today’s world what our Founders began.

Animated by the fire of charity, “In our concern for human development according to the Gospel principles, we collaborate with others to build a world of greater justice and brotherhood where the freedom and dignity of all will be restored”. (Rule of Life n°10)


[ba_testimonial bubble_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” image=”” name=”Sr Marina Ntsandi Nga ” title=”Currently on mission in Karna, Cameroon, Sr Marina made her definitive commitment to the Congregation on the 2nd of January 2022. She shares her vocational journey which has strengthened her desire to follow Jesus the Servant.” use_rating=”off” testimonial=”“For me, this commitment is a call to fidelity, to remain “a Sister for all”, and to live the charism joyfully, remaining open and attentive to the events that mark our world today.”
” selected_icon=”3″ img_position=”left” review_design=”bubble” website_url=”” company_url=”Vœux définitifs de Sœur Floriselva Corrales Baca” alignment=”left” image_width=”150px” image_height=”150px” arrow_color=”#FFFFFF” arrow_placement=”left” arrow_position_x=”45px” module_class=”testimonies-FDJ” _builder_version=”4.17.4″ _module_preset=”default” name_text_color=”gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798″ name_line_height=”1.2em” title_text_color=”gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a” title_font_size=”15px” title_line_height=”1.6em” review_font_size=”15px” review_line_height=”1.5em” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||0px|||” border_radii_image=”on|122px|122px|122px|122px” global_colors_info=”{%22gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798%22:%91%22name_text_color%22%93,%22gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a%22:%91%22title_text_color%22%93}”][/ba_testimonial]
[ba_testimonial bubble_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” image=”” name=”Sr Ismane Magis ” title=”Of Haitian origin, Sr Ismane is currently on mission in Honduras. She said her final ‘Yes’ in July 2021. In the midst of the pandemic, today’s new technologies allowed an international audience to share her joy on this special day.” use_rating=”off” testimonial=”“ I consider myself a blessed person to be able to have friendships with so many people. This is the fruit of our charism as Daughters of Jesus to “Honour the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God”. What could be more beautiful than to give oneself body and soul to the Lord when this is one’s vocation?”” selected_icon=”3″ img_position=”left” review_design=”bubble” website_url=”” company_url=”Vœux définitifs de Sœur Floriselva Corrales Baca” alignment=”left” image_width=”150px” image_height=”150px” arrow_color=”#FFFFFF” arrow_placement=”left” arrow_position_x=”45px” module_class=”testimonies-FDJ” _builder_version=”4.17.4″ _module_preset=”default” name_text_color=”gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798″ name_line_height=”1.2em” title_text_color=”gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a” title_font_size=”15px” title_line_height=”1.6em” review_font_size=”15px” review_line_height=”1.5em” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||2px|||” border_radii_image=”on|122px|122px|122px|122px” global_colors_info=”{%22gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798%22:%91%22name_text_color%22,%22name_text_color%22,%22name_text_color%22%93,%22gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a%22:%91%22title_text_color%22%93}”][/ba_testimonial]
[ba_testimonial bubble_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” image=”” name=”Sr Floriselva Corrales Baca ” title=”Sister Floriselva from Honduras chose the 25th of November, the date that marks the anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation, to make her definitive commitment. She explains why.” use_rating=”off” testimonial=”“I feel that I have been invited to continue to incarnate the Charism of Humanisation wherever I have been sent, working with young people and in a concrete way in our Santa Teresita Institute. In the words of the Institute motto, I want to : « Work to please Jesus ».”” selected_icon=”3″ img_position=”left” review_design=”bubble” website_url=”” company_url=”Vœux définitifs de Sœur Floriselva Corrales Baca” alignment=”left” image_width=”150px” image_height=”150px” arrow_color=”#FFFFFF” arrow_placement=”left” arrow_position_x=”52px” module_class=”testimonies-FDJ” _builder_version=”4.17.4″ _module_preset=”default” name_text_color=”gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798″ name_line_height=”1.2em” title_text_color=”gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a” title_font_size=”15px” title_line_height=”1.6em” review_font_size=”15px” review_line_height=”1.5em” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”||0px|||” border_radii_image=”on|122px|122px|122px|122px” global_colors_info=”{%22gcid-2936fa9e-0f26-4ecf-b5ea-d6df058bb798%22:%91%22name_text_color%22,%22name_text_color%22,%22name_text_color%22%93,%22gcid-c63f3123-3fe6-4dc7-9fd6-71c11e1c3b2a%22:%91%22title_text_color%22%93}”][/ba_testimonial]

Perhaps you are called to join the family of the DAUGHTERS OF JESUS

Come, see and discern in a group or with a community or with the accompaniment of a Daughter of Jesus..
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