We appreciate the Daughters of Jesus in the Ivory Coast

Here are a few snippets of the testimony of a young Brobo man during the festivities of their 50ieth anniversary.

“I was only a 9 year old child when I began to visit the community of the Daughters of Jesus. Their way of living and proclaiming Jesus seduced me and since then they have become my second family.”

“They trained and educated me, taught me and helped me to become mature in my profession and especially in the faith.”

“These servants of the Lord, despite their being cloistered and somewhat removed from the city, have always been very close to the surrounding population. This may sound a bit paradoxical but very true, however, because each one of the Sisters has her heart open to the others around her and beyond. They take time to visit the neighboring families. This remains a lesson for me: the gift of self.”

“To crown all of this the Daughters of Jesus have sown in me the love of prayer, taught me to participate regularly at mass and especially to adore the Lord in their chapel. I was thereby able to live my adolescent years with dignity and to have a well-ordered youth.”

“I could not enumerate here all the happy times I shared with the Sisters. In a nutshell I can say that, for me, they have been a gift from heaven. I owe them gratitude for the man I have become today.”

“My Sisters, may the Lord grant you a long life so that other children and young people can experience the happiness of being friends, brothers and sisters of the Daughters of Jesus that you are. Happy Anniversary dear Sisters.”



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