During my administrative procedures upon my return to France, I encountered invaluable and friendly help.
Since I returned to France, I have had a large number of files to complete: a file for work, one for mutual insurance, another for the primary health insurance fund, etc. And this is the situation that every citizen has to face.
Procedures… difficult at times
The procedures are not always easy to carry out: papers to look for right and left, telephone calls to be made to administration offices…. It takes weeks, and above all a lot of energy and patience.
I have been fortunate enough to find on my path a very competent person who is also very kind. Every time I phone her, she recognizes me, and she’s always ready to help.
A light on my way
One day when I was again requesting her help, she still responded very kindly and gave me sound advice. She then sent me the necessary documents to continue my procedures. I expressed my sincere appreciation for her help and especially for her kindness.
And to my surprise, here is what she answered:
“You are adorable. Thank you for this little heartwarming compliment that resets the desire and commitment in a professional field where discontent and aggression are the order of the day. But if ever I become embittered and worn out by human beings I promise myself to change my job so that my relationships with others can remain benevolent.
We have not had the opportunity to meet. I wish you the best. Sincerely yours. “
To remain human and benevolent
A remarkable witnessing of human relationships brought me back to this expression of our charism: “to humanize as Jesus did.” Yes, this is exactly what this person is trying to do daily in all her relationships.
I simply had to do something… so I wrote her this:
“Thank you for your e-mail so imbued with a sense of humanity! If ever I have the opportunity of passing through your town, I will make a point to go and greet you. Sincerely yours.”
Human values clearly present
A young French singer, Patrick Bruel, sings this: “I want to offer these few rhyming verses to all those anonymous men, all those heroes without a surname. To all who give of themselves. Tribute to women. Homage to souls. Homage to men. To all those people who give us so much hope in simple gestures. All these makers of humanity, eclipsed by humility. And then finally also to you, you who do so much and who cannot be seen.” Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HxJNl-CfTc
No, human values have not disappeared; we can still encounter them on our way, and give thanks for all these fundamentally human and devoted people.
Agnès Miquel, fj, Pontivy, France.