Mrs. Jacqueline Paquet, an associate to the Daughters of Jesus of the Rimouski vice-province, having listened to the beautiful poem written by Sr.Eugenie Doucet, shares with us her reflections concerning it. “I have simply allowed my heart to speak.”
What a beautiful solitary message:
With joy and interest, I made it mine and thank you so “very much”! We owe sincere thanks to Sr. Eugenie Doucet, author of this enlightening poem: “Together let us think about it.”
How I appreciate this formation offered to us as associates, “Openness to the protection of the environment”! I re-read this very timely poem, considering myself to be quite “privileged” to benefit from exposure to the subject given by excellent guides at this moment in time when our environment is abused by so many who do it, too often, unconsciously.
The good health of our planet
This heightened awareness of our responsibility to protect our environment and the importance of our involvement according to our possibilities, however modest they may be, to safeguard this natural wealth come at a crucial time. These past few days, I prepared my garden to enable it to face the rigors of winter and to look neater come spring; with ardor, I carried out this important task for the “good health” of our planet Earth that we have the duty to protect since it was so generously granted to us by the Creator.
Gratitude to our Creator God
I believe that, day in and day out, we must express our gratitude to the Author of Creation for such beauty and abundance. Many have done so before us and this noble sentiment must be developed in an ongoing manner. We will never be too many to “give praise to Beauty”. Dostoïevski had prophesied it in his famous quote, “Beauty will save the world.”
Jacqueline Paquet, Associate to the Daughters of Jesus, Rimouski, Canada