News from Chile

Here are some news after the earthquake in Chile.

Dear Sisters and Friends,Carte

We have heard from many of you, showing your concern and solidarity with us regarding what we are living in our country. Here is a bit of news:

For those of you who know the significance of celebrating the National Feast of Chile on September 18 and 19, you can imagine all the gatherings of families and friends that take place. The atmosphere is one of solidarity, of great celebration and exaggerated expenses. The government has cancelled all that and kept only the ecumenical celebration of the Te Deum at the Cathedral.

This new tragedy affects the north-center part of the country, from Coquimbo to ConCon, near Valparaiso. After the 3-minute earthquake marking 8.4 on the Richter scale, everyone who was living near the Pacific coast all along the country left for higher ground as far away from the coast as possible.
Everything was done in a very quick and orderly manner: we learned our lesson from the big earthquake of 2010! And again this happened during the night because the earthquake was at 8:00 p.m. and the tsunamis hours later until 6:00 a.m. This seemed to be a very big earthquake since it did not originate from very deep in the earth.

The waves were 4 to 6 meters high and more at Tongoy and at Los Vilos. Like other times the waves brought boats right to the center of the city.

The highway to the north, was cut off in two places. The roads going inland are often blocked by rubble so it is hard to know what the people of these areas are experiencing.

Most critical right now is the lack of water and electricity. The police, the military and many young people from everywhere immediately showed up to help clear the rubble and to clean up. In times like this, everyone lives in solidarity.

So far we know that 12 people died, while some have disappeared. As time goes by we will certainly have other news.

The four of us Daughters of Jesus are together in Santiago. Maggy is gaining strength, even though she is still suffering from the shingles. I am preparing to go to Honduras for a meeting of the provincial council (during the night of 19 to 20). We are doing well and are thankful for the prayer and support that you are giving us. The people of Chile are used to getting back on their feet and starting over from zero. It is a good lesson for us. Until next time, with all my friendship and affection,

Sr Louise Robidoux, d.j.

Here are some links where you can find some pictures and videos:



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