Leave and set out anew wherever we are called

This year, our Filles de Jésus community sector (Rimouski, Canada) invited us to reflect and find how together, we will share the concern for making our charism known and how this will materialize for each one of us.

The community of Ste-Thérèse can talk about an experience which began in April 2014. In response to an invitation of our Vice-provincial, Sister Pierrette, we went to a meeting of our group of communities living in the city in order to discern on the closure of one of our houses.

The recent actual events had led us to question ourselves on this possibility, but it came faster and earlier than we had expected. Yes, the time had come!

‘‘Which one of our communities should we close first?’’

It is with faith and in the light of the Holy Spirit that we entered into our discernment process. It was a painful and difficult choice for the sisters concerned, but it had to be done. And thus it is that on June 19th we decided to close the community of Ste-Thérèse. This decision helped us to understand what it means to ‘‘Together share the concern for making our charism known’’. A new path opened for all of us.

We must leave and set out anew wherever we are called.

Leaving means dying, giving up something, but it is a step forward to make life better. ‘‘A seed has fallen in new earth’’. It is with confidence in the Lord that we will let it germinate wherever we are called to live with some other Sisters on this path of life.

cté Ste-Thérèse, Rimouski


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