The new community of « Mère Sainte Angèle » came into being in September at Kermaria, the Motherhouse of the Daughters of Jesus. An occasion for the Sisters to rejoice but also to commit themselves to be missionaries within the community and to respect the values that were those of our first Superior General.
Getting started
At the end of a long reflection interrupted, alas, by the confinement, the Sisters in charge of the communities of Sainte Angèle and Saint Yves, accompanied by the Vice-Provincial and a consultant, discerned the benefits of merging the two communities. In August, with the arrival of the new Sister in charge, Sister Marie-Thérèse Le Floch, and the community assistant, Mrs. Brigitte Di Napoli, the project was refined.
The idea arose of a first meeting between the Sisters of the two former structures. We needed to take the plunge, in order to clarify each one’s role and give the Sisters the possibility of reacting. It would also give them an opportunity to ask questions and help make it easier for them to enter into this dynamic of enlarged fraternity.
On 31 August a large gathering was held in the Sacred Heart Hall, with a time of presentation, sharing, and prayer. Afterward, afternoon tea together allowed each one to reach out to the others that they knew less well. This is, in fact, was one of the wishes expressed by the new community: “To find the means of mixing together to better build fraternity together. ” What a beautiful perspective and indeed, there is no age to grow in communion.
On that day too, the great secret was revealed. To the great joy of the Sisters, the new community will bear the name of “Mère Sainte Angèle”. It is a name that fills the Sisters with joy, committing them at the same time to the respect of the values that were hers.
A celebration of “sending out”
A new community needs to be celebrated. What could be more normal than to give thanks for this new face of community inviting us to ask the Lord for the strength to live in coherence with the beautiful name of Perrine Samson. On September 16th, we listened together to the Word of God, an ideal reference point for our apostolic religious life.
“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Philippians 2, 1-2)
At the same time, we let ourselves be questioned by the spiritual qualities of our foundress:
“Humble, mortified, modest, charitable, obedient,
Mère Sainte Angèle is a model of regularity. »
(Mère Marie Agnès)
Renewed by these words, the time had come to let ourselves be sent on mission. In fact, each Sister rediscovered herself as a missionary within her own community. Words of thanks and encouragement were also addressed to those who have accepted a particular responsibility.
At the end of this prayerful celebration, punctuated with symbols, we shared a festive and convivial meal, our meeting around the table an appropriate place to tie the knots of fraternity.
The new community assistant
“I am married and a mother of 4 children. I am 56 years old. Previously, I was employed by a Congregation of Sisters in Vannes, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Louis, where I worked as a care assistant in gerontology.
In August I joined the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus in Kermaria as “community assistant” to the Sisters of the Mère Sainte Angèle community. I have met each Sister and got to know the whole site.
It is a new job for me but also a mission. I am very happy to be on board this boat where I wish to give my best according to my skills and in the joy of being part of the family of the Daughters of Jesus. With Marie Thérèse Le Floch, the Sister in charge of the community, I know I can move forward with confidence. I thank Srs Anne Thirion, Michelle Duval, and Anne Marie Le Roch for their kindness and trust in me.
The Sisters, Kermaria