The Daughters of Jesus involved in initial formation met from the 1st to 15th of August 2024 in Ploërmel, France, for an international meeting. Sister Maria Esperanza Avilez, regional leader for Latin America, shares with us her experience of these two weeks.
The charism, the foundation of our unity
‘Driven by the charism of our founders : ‘In the same way we believe that in the mystery of his Incarnation Jesus gives meaning to our lives today’. Rule of Life no 5
Those responsible for the different stages of formation were invited to this meeting, as well as the regional and provincial superiors and two members of the General Council. The meeting took place in an atmosphere of fraternity, listening and respect.
Going beyond our differences of age, language, culture and as individuals, we were united by the love of our charism, incarnated in today’s wounded world, and by our deep desire to follow Jesus Christ as the centre of our lives.
Time for reflection
During the first week, two speakers helped us to re-read our way of accompanying the process of formation today, considering our strengths, our weaknesses, our concerns and our worries as part of a ‘journey of research’. It was also an opportunity to become more familiar with the training guide, with its objectives and focus for each stage.
Every morning, prayer and the Word of God accompanied and supported our days of reflection.
Our charism for today
Aware that humanity today finds itself in a new period of its history, characterised by profound and accelerating changes that do not leave us indifferent as religious and Daughters of Jesus, we perceive that it is necessary to welcome the intuitions of new scenarios, that need to be taken into account in the process of Formation. In following the spirit of our founders, we feel called to give life to this charism which does not belong to us.
It motivates us to be women of heart and soul, open to welcoming young people today who, like us, wish to commit themselves to following Christ and his Kingdom, and seek to give profound meaning to their lives.
We feel co-responsible for the ‘journey of discovery’ with these young people, so that they can discover the living richness of the past, remembering our history and accepting the risk of their own commitment as a true act of service.
The fruits of the meeting
We were unanimous in our appreciation of the work done in small groups, marked by conviviality, exchanges and free and simple spaces. The diversity of ages and cultures made a valuable contribution. We can say that this meeting strengthened our sense of belonging ‘to the body of the Congregation’, which was reflected in our mutual support and fraternal ties.
Each Sister expressed this deep desire, giving the best of herself, regardless of the stage of formation or the service provided. With our strengths and weaknesses, we are ready to continue ‘rowing out to sea’ in the same direction. Listening to Sisters with a long history of religious life, with a spiritual journey and with the conviction that it is possible to continue to pass on the heritage and fruitfulness of our charism to new generations, has been a source of faith and hope.
The little phrase ‘Union is strength’, used by Mother Marie de Saint Charles, is still valid today and encourages us to live this spirit of unity. The vitality of the mission rests above all on :
- the cohesion of a religious body
- the priority given to apostolic orientations which are brought to life through common participation and implementation.
We feel that these encounters between us generate greater vitality to continue to give life to our charism, to the mission entrusted to us and to the life we share in community. This sense of belonging involves :
– renewal,
– conversion,
– openness to new things.
Formation is a necessity in today’s world. It obliges us to renew ourselves and to accept being ‘lifelong learners’ in the exercise of our mission of accompaniment.
To live our consecrated life as a gift
we ask the Holy Spirit to continue to inspire vocations,
with the conviction of total dedication to the service of the Kingdom.
Sœur María Esperanza Avilez Z.
Régionale, Amérique Latine