Such was the theme underlying the reflection of the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates of the Vice-province of Rimouski during the year 2012-2013. Solange Cavanagh grasps the essential in a text.

Two questions to start with:

  • What new paths or avenues were provoked within us through the reflection and sharing during the year?
  • What accents should we favor during the next year and during the years to come?

Deux questions à prévoir:


Result of the rereading

Through the rereading together in May we found that it is true that new avenues and new paths are open before us.

An essential is that we always continue to feel responsible for the future of our planet. (Besides, the changes in climate that we notice urge us to do so.) We experience a new awareness regarding our contribution to its destruction or its revitalization.

Our relationship with water, air, soil, non-renewable energies is transformed. It has become not only a duty for personal and collective survival, but also for justice.

We find that this world which God loves is beautiful, essential to our happiness. It is worthy of admiration and thanksgiving. We also realize that its equilibrium is fragile. The abuse of one is not without repercussions on others. We have been lead to change the way we see our life’s habits in regards to the environment.

But the greatest change is, without doubt, the call we have heard to integrate the care of our environment into our spiritual experience. The new relationship to creation is not a new virtue to practice. It is the new name of fraternal charity, of love of others, of justice. It is a new way to honor the humanity of Jesus as well as all of humanity. Our spirituality seeks a new equilibrium between our personal actions and their repercussion on peoples and the whole planet.

We weave new bonds of fraternity by sharing more fairly and a more concrete solidarity. In taking care of each other we learn to let go of our known securities in order to engage in a new experience of sharing and of respect for others.

Keeping an open eye, respecting nature, taking care of the planet, recycling, doing little daily actions become a way of living love of others today, and of opening new doors for the future generations.

This is a way of loving the way Jesus did in this world which God loves.


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