Giving it my all to meet Him on the mountain

My only support going up the mountain were my shoes, a bottle of water and my walking stick.

GroupeOn September 21st, Melissa, a young girl who is a member of a vocational discernment group, and I left early in the morning on a mountain ecological hike. Also part of the group were fellow students from the Center of Religious studies where I study: Basilians, Marianites, Trinitarians, members of different religious congregations having different charisms but whose only desire is to follow Christ. Other young persons searching God’s will were also part of the group.

With great joy and energy, we set out on our pilgrimage to Mount Guadeloupe and Mount of the Cross where are found traces of an old house where some hermits lived years ago. We are told jokingly that as punishment, the novices were made to descend the mountain to buy the milk and bread!chute
Tired out, midway up, I wanted to go back but it was impossible. I was on the verge of giving up but, what gave me courage was to admire the beautiful sceneries of Bogota. They are forever engraved in my memory.

en hautTowards 4 p.m., we reached our final destination: Mount Guadeloupe where a sanctuary dedicated to our Blessed Mother is situated. With great joy, I gave thanks to the Virgin Mary for having accompanied us on our way.

My footwear, a bottle of water and my walking stick were my aid to terminate this great adventure. Going up was difficult but it was also a victory for me. No words can describe the beauty I contemplated when I reached the top.

Nolvia AvilaNolvia

1st year novice, Columbia


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