From Honduras to the Ivory Coast

On certain occasions, our young sisters, Daughters of Jesus, are given the opportunity and the joy to meet up and spend time together… a time of sharing and getting to know one another.


Estelle shares her experience


On January 4, 2019, we welcomed Sr. Floriselva, from Honduras to our community of Brobo. Great was our joy when we found out that she would spend 3 weeks with us! She wanted to get acquainted with the communities of the Ivory Coast and experience life at the Centre Mère de Miséricorde which welcomes children with disabilities. She discovered first hand another approach to our mission as Daughters of Jesus.


It was for all of us a time of openness to a different reality, namely, to live internationality. None of us was fluent in the language of the other so that communication was difficult and required a constant effort to understand one another. This mutual “handicap” allowed us to recognize our limitations.

Floriselva has given all of us the opportunity to open up to the intercultural diversity of our mission as Daughters of Jesus. She shared her experience as missionary in her own country, her studies at university, her life in community, the set-up of each community in Honduras and the specific mission of each Sister. Through the sharing of our mutual experiences we realized once more that wherever we are, we strive to “honor the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God”.


We will cherish for a long time the souvenir of Floriselva’s visit among us. It was a wonderful experience for her as well as for us.

Sr Estelle Koffi, dj

Floriselva’s point of view


I was sent to the Brobo community to collaborate in this important mission at the Centre Mère de Miséricorde. In spite of their handicap, the children at this Institution are gifted with many different and varied abilities. I thank God and the Congregation for allowing me to live three beautiful weeks among these little ones who reflect the Lord’s tenderness through their way of being and acting.


Our concern to honor the Sacred Humanity of Jesus is really experienced when we allow even handicapped children to feel that they are important and have the potential to accomplish great things. As human beings, we are all children of the same God who makes no distinction of race, color or diversity of functional ability.


I am happy to have had such an experience. Even if I could not speak French well enough to communicate, it did not prevent me from interacting both in community and at school: a simple look or a gesture is as important as the word in order to love and be loved and to transmit the merciful love of God…God who is alive and present in our history.


With gratitude.

Sr Floriselva Corrales Baca, dj


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