Congratulations to the Alberta Associates of Les Filles de Jésus who are celebrating their 35th anniversary (1987-2022) (1987 -2022)

On March 27th, despite the presence of Covid, the lay associates of Alberta, Canada, had a wonderful reunion with all the sisters and associates via Zoom as we are now doing so since some time.

We were thus able to see all the sisters who we normally see just once a year!

Our family bonds and friendships were rekindled

A time for gratitude

We were asked the following question: «As an Associate, what are you grateful for»?

Beautiful memories came flooding back as we reminisced: our assemblies in Edmonton in the fall when we are sent on mission, our joint meetings in Red Deer in the spring, monthly meetings, Jubilee celebrations, birthdays, joys, sorrows, songs and sharing of the Word. Our Associate meetings are a source of nourishment and growth.

We are grateful for our Sisters’ unconditional support, encouragement, love, and for being channels of abundant graces that immensely nourish and enrich our lives.

A time of prayer

The content of our prayer was based on a leaflet that had been designed by the Associates.

Sr. Doreen Victor shared a special blessing that she had prepared on behalf of the sisters and Sr. Pauline Magnan expressed her appreciation to the Associates, also on behalf of the sisters.

What a perfect day! We are grateful to have been chosen by God and to have received the gift of Les Filles de Jésus in our lives! Praise the Lord!

“May the Spirit enkindle anew in your life

The charism to honor the Sacred Humanity of Jesus

Impelling you to pour out compassion and mercy

On the poor

and those on the margins.”

Rosalie Coté Vandermeer, afj.

Alberta, Canada


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