Join the capitulants, associates, accompanists, sisters
or lay people for a service
as they participate in the opening celebration
of the General Chapter 2022 of the Daughters of Jesus
Introduction to the celebration
Gathered together outside, Sr Colette of the General Council addressed us:
Arriving at the General Chapter, we continue the march that began in October 2021. This walk, guided by the Word of God, allowed us to already listen to the life of the entities, the Church, and the world. The march that we are going to undertake towards the Chapter Hall symbolizes ‘our assembly of sisters, and associates, representing the whole Congregation, at a time when it wants to pull together, as a Body, listening to the Holy Spirit, in fidelity to its own charism, in attention to the present day of the Church in the world.’
To symbolize our entry into communion with the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates of the Congregation, Colette invited a member of each entity to bring the name of her entity and attach it to a large candle.
I put my steps in your steps
You lead me to your Father
I want to walk with you, Jesus,
Way of hope,
I want to walk with you, Jesus,
with you.
We walk towards the chapter room
You put joy in our hearts
May your Word live in us
You invite us to true happiness
to shine out out everywhere.
Capitulants, associates, accompanists, sisters, or lay people for a service, we have arrived in the chapter room. As the Rule of Life tells us, we are united by the same call to follow Jesus Christ, the foundation stone according to St Paul. All together, collaborators of Christ, we wish to contribute our stone to continue the construction of the Congregational Body.
After the reading of the Word of God, each one was invited, with their strengths and fragilities to come and lay a brick. We would thus signify our commitment to enter into the process of discernment and to collaborate in the smooth running of the Chapter. But first, we took a moment to ask ourselves:
« What am I willing to bring to this construction? »
Cast your nets!
During the next three weeks, according to the tides, we will see our boats twitching, lying down, and getting up. Perhaps they will help us to internalize the verses of Luke :
« Jesus went up into a boat.
He moved away from the shore.
Cast your nets.
We have struggled all night without catching anything ;
but, on your word, I will cast the nets. »
The first call to Peter to throw his nets into the sea becomes a call to enlargen the horizons of his life. Jesus wants to associate Peter, and then his companions, with his work of salvation.
For us, Daughters of Jesus and Associates, who continue this adventure of faith, it is also on the stage of our lives that the call of Jesus to go out to the sea resonates! Today, and throughout this Chapter, we are invited to respond, following Peter.
The call of the General Chapter members
In answer to the question asked by Sister Micheline, the Superior General,
« xxx, do you want to go offshore and cast the nets? »
Chacun et chacune répond dans sa langue,
«Yes, on the Word of the Lord, I will cast my nets. »
Signs of communion
We who are sons and daughters of the Father, unite now to pray to “our” Father, in our own language, to signify our desire to be gathered in unity and to live in communion with our brothers and sisters in humanity.
As a sign of our communion, one with the other, we received a bookmark with the verses of Paul to the Philippians and an invitation to pray in a special way for the person whose first name was on the card.
DIt is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent. (Ph 1, 9 – 10)
Final prayer
United in prayer with our Sisters and Associates of the Congregation, we believe that you are on the way with us and, already, we thank you for the life that will arise from this Chapter. Keep us under the influence of your Holy Spirit, attentive to your Word and to the calls of our brothers and sisters in the world.
Much appreciated.