Annie Le Floc’h shares with us her Easter meditation before the sculpture of « the Resucitated Christ », placed at the entrance to the cemetery at Kermaria.
« Be strong, be faithful, GOD is leading you into the desert … »
(a Lenten hymn)
The desert of Lent reaches its climax with the great liturgy of Holy Week, where we contemplate Jesus, the CHRIST, in his redemptive mystery.
Easter is approaching, the Alleluia will ring out again in our songs.
I look at this Christ, with his open hands carrying the marks of the nails. They are turned slightly forwards, slightly to the side, they are at one and the same time call and sending out.
They are : “COME”
They are : “GO”
His feet strangely, do not seem to be supported, and yet they appear as if pressed into the earth, the feet of a walker, feet that have travelled our roads, feet rooted in the LIFE of mankind.
They are : “WALK”
They are : “ADVANCE”
And HE, with his gaze fixed on the far off, he smiles …YES, he smiles. His expression is transcendent, serene, calm, confident, he does not doubt. He sees the crowds of men and women that he has saved, that he has reconciled… He sees the realisation of his sufferings :
“I have accomplished the work that you gave me to do …” (Jn 17,4).
I look and I murmur in my heart :
And I hear him say to me :
“Pursue your exodus, Kermaria, walk on towards your JOY”.
For “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Jn 20,29).