Discover life signs like Charismatic Families

At the beginning of December 2018 the Associates of the Daughters of Jesus of Tucapel and Chillan in Chile met together. We worked around the main themes of the national days for Religious and lay associates, Together we are more, taking as our guide the document: Proposals on how to travel well and live as Charismatic Families.

How we worked

Six groups worked on the document with each group reflecting on two paragraphs and then sharing in plenary. In this way we could all have an overview of the proposals. We hope that each group of Associates will continue to study the document more deeply in the future.

Signs or gestures of life

Paragraph three of the document contains twenty-three life signs or gestures that could help us to grow as families and in charismatic strength. Each of the groups selected at least three signs that they already live as Associates of Daughters of Jesus and three that they would like to develop.

For example:

– Living the centenaries and past events as times of grace in the charismatic family. Preparing organizing and animating them.

– Drawing up identity cards that resume what makes people live and witnessing to the charism in common and in communion. In these cards the originality of the group and its members is emphasized.

– Bringing to light the testimonies of charismatic life since they are fires that light other fires and signs of light that in turn light up and revive faith.

– Sharing times of formation with all the branches of the Charismatic Families in courses, congresses, publications, workshops, everything that highlights how God acts in the person.

– Carefully choosing the places where we meet and making meetings times of integration, formation and exchange that inspire and lead to celebration, communion and sharing.

Signs we would like to develop

– Creating at national and international level a permanent council that would be the brain and heart of the Charismatic Families.

– Creating youth groups that are enthusiastic about the Charismatic Families project.

Taking on the task of growing by attraction. Having a way of life in the Charismatic Families that is attractive, contagious, and conducive to growth. True vocations need to be welcomed, reinforced, supported, and in a way provoked by authentic life testimonies. Charismatic Families can grow, enrich themselves and attract by their generous mission in the world.

We ended the meeting with Mass presided over by Father Raúl Manríquez and then a delicious lunch prepared by a friend of the Congregation.

Mercedes Oyarce Asociada, Chillan


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