salleFor a ninth consecutive year, the Associates of the Daughters of Jesus put on a shared meal at St Stanislaus (Québec, Canada), on February 28, 2016. More than 110 people were present, including certain Municipal representatives and our recently elected Mayor of St-Stanislaus, Mrs. Lise Déry.

Father Denis-Paul Hamelin, a missionary in Africa, shared his admiration for “women in the African society”. They exercise a very large influence in all the spheres of society, even in the important decisions attributed to the head of the family.Denis Hamelin

He also pointed out that in the transformation of Africa, women play a determining role, if not a predominant one. In our day, certain women find access on the political and national levels. Consequently, if we want to really understand the African culture, we must obligatory change our glasses.

The results of this annual event were evaluated, on one hand in terms of profits generated (1680$) and on the other in terms of participation and public awareness of the cause of the most needy. New participants are added each year, volunteers as well as ticket holders.

salle3Every helping hand gives a boost to assure the continuity of this event for the sale of tickets and also for the organization of the locale and the menu. Counting on the contribution of the Associates, we hope to reach the 10th edition with flying colors.

Associates of the Daughters of Jesus, our shared meal becomes an effective way to pursue the initial project of the Community and to recognize the heritage they left us.

Is it not also a way to give back to others a tiny part of our abundance?

Jean-Paul Rousseau, Associate


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