A gradual deconfinement in France

I would like to share with you what I’m going through and how I feel.

Since the 11th of May in France, it’s official – we can finally leave our homes freely, without having an authorization in our pocket, although we are still limited to a radius of 100 kms.


Life begins again


Here in Rennes, Brittany, the city is slowly waking up. The streets and squares are filling up with people going to work, or simply with those who were looking forward to going out freely again. Everyone has their own comments on the subject: “They’re not wearing a mask, it’s not safe! “or “There are too many people, the virus will just spread again! “or “Ha, it’s good to see the city alive again! ». For my part, I feel like saying: We’re gradually coming out of a period of hibernation“, or “The roses can bloom again, caressed by the sun“.


Eucharistic celebrations in churches


During the night of Friday 22 to Saturday 23 May, the French government once again authorized celebrations in churches. In order to participate in the Mass, we had to register online. What are we not doing now online? In the parish where some of us go to Mass, the priest, helped by young people and adult parishioners, quickly put everything in place so that we could have a good celebration of the Eucharist, and still conform with the norms required by the government. We had to wash our hands with hydro-alcoholic gel as we entered the church, the wearing a mask was obligatory and we were spaced out with two or three chairs between each person. The “pop praise” group of young people welcomed us and then led the singing during the celebration. pop praise The local newspaper was there to immortalize the occasion.


Words of joy


The priest Nicolas Guillou was delighted to meet us again and welcomed us warmly. His homily was as lively as ever: “We are not allowed to shake hands, we can’t kiss or hug each other, but we have the right to welcome the kiss of God who shows us his love. God gives us a hug, let us welcome him into our hearts. ».

Wearing a mask, it was not easy to understand everything that was said, nor was it easy to sing, but our hearts were full of joy and celebration.


Let us remain in Communion


I am thinking of those who do not yet have the joy of going out as they would like, nor of celebrating Mass together in church. May our communion be our support and strength for each day. And may you too welcome the Hug of God.


Sister Agnès Miquel, fj, Rennes, france


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