Celebrating a centenarian


Having a party and respecting the rules at a time of pandemic demands ingenuity. The Sisters of Notre-Dame du Rosaire, in Trois-Rivières, Quebec, were up to the challenge of helping Sr Marie-Jeanne Adam to celebrate her 100th birthday.



Sr Marie-Jeanne reçoit un bouquet de fleurs de la Réginaleebouquet de fleurs de la Provi

The celebration of a birthday is always a moment of joy, of sisterly love, of thanksgiving. However, welcoming the 100 years of life of one of our Sisters has been for us an honor filled with gratitude.


It’s party time at the Oasis






On February 27th, we were given the exceptional opportunity to get together and celebrate our dear Sister Marie Jeanne Adam’s special anniversary. That was quite a challenge in this time of pandemic! It was not possible to bring together all the Sisters nor could the members of her family be with us either.



Having taken the necessary procedures, we were authorized to take Sister Marie Jeanne to our community room! There we welcomed Sister Monique Brûlé, our Regional Superior, Sister Suzanne Adam, Marie Jeanne’s sister, the nursing team and a few other Sisters who work at Oasis with our sick Sisters.



Love works miracles



Saturday being a day off, we were surprised and happy to welcome the General Directress of the nursing area, Mrs. Nancy Le Brasseur, as well as Mr. Guy Pagé, General Director of the Residence. All together, we offered our anniversary wishes to the jubilarian!


The blessing of ageing


Les soeurs font un toast à Sr Marie-Jeann

To be 100 years old is to celebrate life and our Sister Marie-Jeanne greatly appreciates this blessing : her past life along with the characteristics of her generation and the joy she was for her parents… and today’s life which is just as rich, but radiant with a depth acquired throughout her history… When we look at Marie-Jeanne, we see the beauty of ageing. Her smile attracts us and reveals to us an interior life that has blossomed over the years… as time went by.




Together we gave thanks to the Lord for Marie-Jeanne’s life. She devotedly fulfilled her mission as a youth educator as well as in various community services.


Our celebration closed with Schubert’s Ave Maria played on the flute by Sister Thérèse Normand and accompanied by Sister Gisèle Lacerte on the guitar.





We were all very happy to have succeeded

in celebrating the gift of life

and strengthening our community bonds.


Sr Gisèle Lacerte dj,

Superior of the community

Notre-Dame du Rosaire (Oasis).

Trois-Rivières, Quebec


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