Becoming more Daughters of Jesus

The orientation chosen by the Province of Africa highlights the ”becoming Daughters of Jesus more” and the ”behaving like Jesus”.

Sister Pauline NKOY makes a testimony of the listening and guidance experience she had with Elodie.Elodie

An ear to a ”life”

Elodie is a disabled young girl who lives in Brobo. Parishoner, she testifies to her faith as a member of the St Kizito Choir of the St Paul Parish. She lives with her parents and is the eldest child of her family.

One day, she came to me and shared her suffering: ” I’m quite fed up with life as I am feeling useless. I can’t do anything and yet I would also like to do something to provide my family”, she said.

In view of this despair, I tried to gave her hope, paying her a visit more often; and after several sharing and dialogues with her, she told me her desire to start a small business with a loan of 50,000 CFA. For her, running a business will help her to find life worth living again.


With our sisters, let’s dare taking the risk so that life be born

I therefore submitted Elody’s case to the community. After discernment, we decided to give her the loan with the commitment of her father so that she feels supports from her parents.

By the way, Elodie started out her business, selling food crops at the market. She felt encouraged as I used to see her, buy some food crops and drawing with her an account book. She often made up one’s account and pay back a quaterly amount.

Today, she have cleared her debts and is keeping her business. She is now in charge of her business and manage it proudly. She found back the joy of living and she is financially self-sustaining. Her whole family is sharing out her joy.

The community and I too do share her joy. I believe that ”the closeness, respectful and compassion attitude ‘‘ we show towards Elodie makes her happy.


”Becoming daughters of Jesus more is standing up and giving more of life worth living again.”

Here is our testimony to the JOY of the GOSPEL.

Sr Pauline NKoy, d.j. (Community of Brobo, Ivory Coast )


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