At the encounter of the other


After the Province assembly of December, the daughters of Jesus of the north sector, of Laï, Karna and Bini Dang net together at Karna to recapture on one of our values : Proximity

The Proximity lived by Jesus

Our focus wert first of all on Jesus. Each person shared on a passage of the gospel and an attitude of Jesus by which.Rencontre Karna She was touched :

  • Jesus, meeting the samaritan woman, the adulterous woman, the children,
  • Jesus healing a blind man, the leper,
  • Jesus at the multiplication of bread, in the desert.

Throughout these escounters, Jesus makes himself close by listering, welcoming, his availability, compassion, terderness and confidence. His presence is a patient, liberal and invigorating Presence which remains free, which cloes not allow himself moropolised

Our Life of Proximity Today

We have also lookeed at our lives. How, succeeding Jesus in community, at the quarter, in the village, at shcool, besides prisoners, handicapped children,students, youths in formation, novices and postulants, we live this closeness and all that it favours.

Cameroun 1 In our sharing, attitudes of giving a listering ear, confidence, tactfulness, of the respect of differences and availability

We … on being free, of patience in progress to permit the otter give the best of herself.

We give of our poorverty and we invite the other to give of his poorverty as Jesus « Who enriches us of his poorverty »

But, this closeress we live it as a regret sometimes. « I have done…I have not known… ».

In a fraternal exchange, we told ourselves, the personal obstacle which cloes not favour Proximity meetings.

Chanleges to live ProximityRencontre à Karne

We have retained some challerges concerning :

  • Communication a listerny ear, dialogue, informatives, seting free the « un said » « un talked of »
  • Patience to allow the other advance at his rythme and learn to advance at the rythme of the other.
  • The distance to keep, be relaxed, be at rest, learn how to let go.


« Jesus annources and reveals the kingdom of God, opering our eyes in a rew marrer, on the people and the daily realities » ( Acts of chapter 2010)


Réflexion Soeurs Cameroun

Srs Solange et Marie-Thérèse Catus (Comunauté de Karna)


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