Some of the expressions of the sisters ( 86 years old and over) during the assemblies of the France-Belgium Province, the 30th September and 1st October 2015, in preparation for the Provincial chapter 2016
Old age, a rich period but a hard one!
- I am old, I accept being old and no longer do much. I regard and accept the others as they are … and happily there is prayer.
- Old age is a hard road, but we are not alone as we walk it … Jesus is there, even if often I don’t feel his presence.
- Serenity in abandonment, that is how we are happy. A lot of things pass us by … We are already thinking of the “port of arrival”.
Humanizing, a call that is always present
- I try to bring humanity to my everyday gestures: the importance of the little gestures, of a kindly regard for those around me, the sisters.
- I try to put up with my difficulties without being a burden to the others, which demands working on self-forgetfulness.
- We learn to receive others: the personnel, the sisters who are at our service, the chaplain, the gardener.
Praying and letting oneself be evangelised
- I take the time to read the Gospel. As you let yourself be penetrated by the Gospel, so you see Jesus in the other each day … but it’s hard!
- The importance of prayer for letting oneself be evangelised: “He who raises himself up, raises up the world”. It’s the communion of the saints: from one person to another, the whole of humanity that is transformed. If I change my heart, that has an influence on the community.
- I carry in my prayer the requests of those who recommend themselves to us.
- I have been happy since I have been at Kermaria: I have all my time now to pray. I am returning to my first youth, for in the meantime I have pulled myself together.
- Having Mass every day helps me to live. I love praying in the chapel and seeing others come and pray there.
Old and open to the world
- In the retirement home I meet all sorts of people: children, young people, adults who come to visit, elderly residents, men and women, those who work there, volunteers …
- The welcome and openness at Kermaria, I am impressed by it.
- Our community has opened its garden to the infant school next door ; we share the flowers and vegetables.
- In the community, we frequently welcome a handicapped adult to allow his father to take part in different meetings.
- I continue to accompany a person I met a long time ago.
- We pray the rosary together with lay people, a prayer organised by the parish which takes place in our chapel. We open our community prayer to others … the people come as they wish …
In the course of every day, our comings and goings are an opportunity for multiple meetings : saying hello, taking an interest in the people we meet, a kindly welcome, showing solidarity with our neighbours in illness, bereavement or solitude … sharing happy events too.