A long and full life

Sister Beatrice Naud, Daughter of Jesus of Three-Rivers (Canada), reaches another 110th


Celebrating 110 years of life in total lucidity, with great facility of communication, what a marvel! Well yes, it is our own dear Sister Beatrice Naud, with her smile and her joy of living, that we have celebrated on April 6th 2015, in the community of Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire in Three-Rivers. One hundred and ten years, that deserves to be celebrated in thanksgiving and gratitude. Parents and friends visited to congratulate her on the 6th and even on the days after.

Our life is a life given, a life shared

In addition, Sister Beatrice welcomed reporters from the television station and from the local newspaper. Mr. Olivier Hamelin wrote short excerpts of his interview in the Nouvelliste of April 8, 2015. With a strong voice, Beatrice shared her secret of longevity:My secret is to accept one day at a time, everything that comes along, beautiful, good, less beautiful, less good, but accept it with love. Love, that is the secret. In the final analysis everything comes down to that. In the end, our life is a life given, a life shared, a life that does not belong to us. We belong to God, so what do you want more or better?
I place myself in the hands of the Lord; He is the one who traces my route. ”

Sister Beatrice looks at the future with confidence. She states without hesitation: “God has always taken care of me. Do you think he is going to change now? He created me, protected me; it is not for nothing. He continues to protect me; it is not for nothing. When I go to Him one day, I will be ‘au top’”.

Ah, how good , how good is the Lord!

Beatrice, this strong and courageous woman, gets around with a walker, to participate regularly in the different community activities. Prayer and reading fill her free time. Each day we see her pacing up and down the hallway, on her way to visit her friend, Jesus and to sing with Copain, her friend the bird, who seems to appreciate her visits.

Time and a full life have left signs of aging, but her ardor to sing “Ah, qu’il est bon, le bon Dieu!” (Ah, how good , how good is the Lord!) leads us in singing the praises of the Lord for these 110 years of life, received and given, in simplicity and freedom.

Sister Beatrice, Congratulations and thank you for such a beautiful witnessing of abandonment in love.

Sr Thérèse Masson, d.j.



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