A celebration at Vaylats (France)

The 19th and 20th August 2017

saw two days of friendship lived

out between children,


adults and sisters at Vaylats (France).

Sister Thèrèse, with all of her 99 years,

shares with us something of this festive time.


« Why bother telling you about this traditional celebration that we have living for years and years and which always seems to be planned along the same lines ? »

And yet, to be honest, every year seems to be different : even if it is only worrying about what the weather will be like. Will we have ideal weather or will a sudden downpour upset everything at the last minute ? In fact, we were once again blessed with mild weather, with a intensely blue sky and calm nights that the children sleeping in their tents much appreciated …


The twenty or so children

had their traditional get-together,

led by a Christian entertainer.


He was helped by young students, former participants of the camp who have such good memories of the occasion that they want to keep the tradition going. They surprised us with a beautiful prayer service late in the evening, open to the sisters, the people of the village and to those on holiday.

Those leading the prayer service suceeded in giving us something special with a choice of songs adapted to the theme « Take the time to … », and with a varied presentation that had the children involved and happy to take part. There was even a quick magic turn.



The missionary exhibition was organised as always by the ladies, generous and willing volunteers. You have to admire the presentation, all done with good taste, art and variety, admire too how they manage to welcome their clients both at busy times and at calm moments when they can talk freely with the faithful buyers.

At the closing Mass the children carried numerous panels showing what they had worked on and discovered and their impeccable turn-out (even the smallest ones) earned our admiration.

The crowd gathered together in the shade of the tall trees where an indiscreet sun began to slowly bother some of us. The priests, friends of the sisters, surrounded our young Bishop. In his homily based on the Gospel of the day, he knew how to bring together the tenacious insistence of the Caananite woman and the long fidelity of religious life, including that of the 5 jubilarians – different situations but showing the same faith and the same confidence.

Was that the end ? No, because we then all refreshed ourselves with a toast to friendship, saying to each other, « To next year ! » It would be a shame to deprive ourselves of such an agreeable occasion which, in a friendly, serene and peaceful atmosphere, brings out the best in everyone. »



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