Welcome to “Notre-Dame of Africa”

The community of the Daughters of Jesus in the town of Soa in Cameroun has as an objective, to offer an appropriate environment to university students.


bâtisseDiversity and organization

Forty five (45) students from four (4) regions of the African continent with different religious beliefs make up the community at the residential home, « Notre Dame d’Afrique » under the direction of Sister Ruthina Francis.

As every school year, Sister Ruthina organized a meeting with the students in which she invited everyone to be responsible men and women in their choices, words and actions; respectful of each other; responsible for personal and environmental hygiene and of course serious with their studies.

Ruthina 1

She also encouraged the students to put in place a committee for organizing their time together and to develop a fraternal community at the foyer.


Our presence

In the midst of these students who are seeking both an academic and a spiritual life, each sister is available for: giving guidance, sharing their moments of joy, pain success and failures and giving a listening ear. Sister Ruthina remains attentive in times of conflict and intimate sharing.



Sr. Adeline Touessi, Community of Soa


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