Valorisation of the Way of Saint James of Santiago de Compostela

On Saturday the 1st of  October 2022, Sister Marie-Josèphe, fj, a member of the association “1000 Hands in the Dough” in the region of Cahors, France, took part in the day of the valorisation of the Way of Saint James of Santiago de Compostela.


In September 1984, the “National Heritage Days” were born under the impetus of Jack Lang, the then Minister of Culture. These have since become the “European Heritage Days“.

It is in this same context that the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compostela has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008.


As such, every year since 2015, the association “1000 Hand in the Dough” has ensured the conservation of the “Way” so it may be passed on to future generations. On Saturday the 1st of October the 7th edition took place, with the carrying out of works such as:

  • the clearing and removal of undergrowth,
  • the reassembly of dry-stone walls.

Commitment to the Vaylats area

In the department of the Lot, the path is long and ramified : 70 teams are working there. In the other departments crossed by the Way of Saint James, other teams are committed to the same goal.

After having joined a team in Laburgade for 2 years, this year I put my hands to working on the territory of Vaylats (at the limit of Bach), there meeting neighbours from Lalbenque! “We were waiting for you to join us“.

There was no lack of humour! Each one gave according to his ability.

I left them at the time of the aperitif (a pity, you will say!), but I was very tired!

But… I’ll go back next year!

Sister Marie Josèphe fj

Lalbenque, France

Valorization of the Way of Saint James


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