A Holy Year opens for the Daughters of Jesus


On 25 November 2019, the “Anniversary Year 2020” was opened. We share the welcome given by Sr Anne Thirion, the Provincial of France-Belgium, at the Thanksgiving Celebration for our beginnings, held at the Mother House, Kermaria.



Listen to the source within you that speaks to you of love



Today a holy year opens for the Daughters of Jesus, a year of grace and blessings for the whole of the body of the Congregation.


For this opening, this body of which we are members, and which is marked by the traces of our histories, has put on its universal finery. The presence among us of the General Council, the Provincials and the Regional, enhances our celebration but above all, brings us into communion with all our Sisters here and elsewhere.



On the threshold of this year of memories, what could be better than to place ourselves close to the Lord, in order to open the family album together? The pages reveal the portraits of those who gave birth to us. Rather than counting the wrinkles, let us look for the features that appear, even today, on our faces as Daughters of Jesus. Generations have followed one another; time has done its work. Mergers, alliances, unions have shaped and refined the outline of our charism.


Those who have gone before us have written noble lines with the pen of the Holy Spirit, a spiritual testament, beacons to guide our path. Even better they have bequeathed us a treasure that is ours to bring to cultivate.


A challenge that still needs to be met


Opening the family album together presents us with a great challenge. This challenge is eternally young, namely to let ourselves be shaped by the features of another face, that of Jesus, to be inhabited by his presence and so dare to approach, in all humility, so many wounded, crushed, disoriented humanities. We are challenged to discern the signs of the divine, to discover the Lord at work and compassionate, hidden in the most secret of ordinary lives.


This family album, which we will briefly review during this celebration, still contains many blank pages. There is still space left to affix each of our faces as Daughters of Jesus of the 21st century; bright faces that call out, filled with hope and trust in this Jubilee Year.





At this time of celebration


It’s a time for celebration, so….


  • May our fireworks shine in the sky for those we will listen to, comfort, and accompany until the day of the great passage.


  • May our garlands symbolize the links of a great chain of unity and solidarity capable of transcending all borders.


  • May our tables offer an abundance of fraternity and conviviality that will bring joy to isolated and lost hearts.


Yes, let the celebration begin because on this day………


We recall with gratitude

the charism of our Founders.

We want to be led

by the same Spirit of Jesus

who inspired them,

and to renew our desire

to continue in today’s world

what they began.

Rule of Life no 1



Sr Anne Thirion

Provincial France-Belgium





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