All is grace!

Sister Germaine Aoulassa fj shares with us her testimony of thanksgiving, on the occasion of her definitive commitment to the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus, on 17 December 2023 in Cameroon. 

 How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me?

The only hero of the 17th of December is God. Without him, there would be no call, and without the call to follow him, there would be no perpetual vows. Thank you, Lord, for your choice of my poor self. My final commitment on the 17th of December 2023 in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Apostles in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon, was the fruit of a long journey with Christ in the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus. For me, this was a memorable day of Thanksgiving.

By pronouncing my perpetual vows at the end of a great pilgrimage marking 70 years of the presence of the Daughters of Jesus in Cameroon, my definitive commitment was the fruit of what our predecessors have sown for 70 years now. What a grace in the eyes of the Lord! I can only say, “Thank you, Lord“, for all he has done in my life and for all he is still doing for me!

Pilgrimage: a very challenging moment

The pilgrimage which preceded my commitment, was a powerful moment of challenge and reinvigoration.

Seeing the places where our predecessors lived, and how some of the villages are still isolated today,

Listening to the testimonies,

Experiencing the distances, the tiredness, the little insects, the ‘mouts-mouts‘,

 I really understood what “Born of the fire of charity” meant and what I was called to do as a Daughter of Jesus, on the eve of my definitive commitment.

The fire of love is transmitted from generation to generation

This fire, this heritage that was passed on to me when I made my first commitment, was renewed and strengthened in a symbolic and special way. It was passed on to me by Sr Jeanine Le Strat, the eldest of the Daughters of Jesus present on the day. I am invited not only to let myself be burnt by this fire, but also to spread it around me to bring more life. For me, it is also a reason to give thanks for the life given by our predecessors in the service of the Lord.

“Oh Jesus, you who lead me along your paths of humanity,
teach me to
let rise up in me the cries of the world,
to give without return and to love as You love.”

So I can try to bear witness to you in my daily life. Surrounded by my religious and biological family, the Associates, my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, I was overwhelmed and very happy on this feast day, the 17th of December.

The celebration was beautiful and prayerful. Thank you also to all those who were united with me in thought and prayer.

With the Virgin Mary, I can sing : 

« Magnificat, the Lord comes to me,
Magnificat, the Lord is in me.»

                                                                                 Sister Germaine Aoulassa, dj  



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