This project of our dear little Kermaria of Three-Rivers may finally become a reality.

On Friday May 5, 2023 – an unforgettable day – a press conference took place in the chapel of Kermaria announcing the contribution of a government grant for the Kermaria project.
This announcement was a source of great joy for all the Daughters of Jesus of Three-Rivers.
The Kermaria redevelopment project had been in slow motion since2017.
Light at the end of the tunnel

Jean Boulet, member of parliament for Three-Rivers, announced a generous investment to accelerate the construction of sixty-nine social housing units, affordable for people of low income and have these dwellings available as soon as possible.
The “desert” will bloom again
Imagine the joy of the team members of the Daughters of Jesus present at this announcement as well as the promoters of this project! Its completion is scheduled for 2025.
The Member of Parliament was somewhat moved by this announcement and impressed by the beauty of the chapel and by the importance of one of his personal priorities which is to take care of elderly and vulnerable people. “I am so happy with this initiative,” commented, Mr. Boulet.

Sister Monique Brûlé, Regional Superior, expressed the importance of Kermaria for all the Daughters of Jesus:
“This place, in which we have lived for more than 120 years, has been conducive in welcoming and being close to people.
We were therefore hoping that less fortunate people could soon live in this beautiful place, so dear to all of us.”
Saint Joseph has granted us this favor
The President of Easy Access to Lodging in Mauricie, Mr. Jean Branchaud exclaimed: “This is a great day! It confirms that our Kermaria project will finally become a reality with its sixty-nine apartments. In short, thank you to the city of Three-Rivers, as well as a special thank you to the community of the Daughters of Jesus for their great confidence in this beautiful project.”

As for us, Daughters of Jesus, since 2019, despite a change of residency, we continue to strive to be close to people as Jesus was, according to our charism.
Madeleine Aylwin, fj Archivist
Three Rivers, Canada