Sister Lina Cyr dj, from Rimouski, Canada, shares with us her reflection and prayer during this second wave of the Covid pandemic.
Thursday, October 1st at the Provincial House in Rimouski, we are suddenly conscious of the appearance of the second wave of Covid-19 that we were trying to avoid … which is not so easy to do. To comply with the demands of our healthcare managers, we must:
- respect the distancing instructions.
- apply the sanitary regulations and all other necessary precautions.
This Mr. Coronavirus, the villain, says he is invisible and strong but he forgets that our gentle Mr. God is invisible and powerful. This same loving Creator God wants us to be guardians and collaborators of His creation … … not owners. So, as tenants what are our duties?
This nasty virus requires that we show new physical and moral strength. My prayer now becomes a plea for those who have to make decisions, quickly and prudently we somehow always This nasty virus requires of us new physical and moral strength. My prayer now becomes a plea for those who have quick and wise decisions to make. We somehow maintain our hope for a ‘normal’ life.
“Since He is with us in this time of violence,
let us turn to Him with patience…
Is He not inviting us to look upon Him on the cross?’’
(Office Book, hymn for Friday morning, Week 3)
A Dialogue with our visitor Mr Coronavirus
Hidden on planet Earth, I am its master!
We have only one master, my dear.
Go back to your origins
Or change the program.
Nobility and beauty is our God
Who will forever accompany us!
Living in Him is our motto,
Ugly invention is your motto.
We shall remain faithful to your love, Lord,
Since yours is a reign that will never end.
Mighty and holy is your Name!
Inspired by Psalm 110
A time of prayer
Let us pray for all those who find it difficult to live in isolation as requested by the medical authorities;
Remember Lord those who abandoned you during your Passion.
Let us pray for all those who are criticized and yet seek ways to alleviate suffering;
Remember Lord your scourging at the pillar.
Let us pray for those who have passed away with the assurance of a better life;
Remember Lord your death on the Cross.
Let us pray for all those who hope against all hope;
Remember Lord your glorious Resurrection.
Let us pray for Heads of state and those responsible for law and order; may they work to build a just and fraternal world.
Remember Lord, Peter, and Paul as well as all those who accepted to follow you.
Let us pray
Almighty and eternal God,
welcome those who have died in your peace.
Refuge of those who suffer,
look with compassion on the distress of your children
affected by this pandemic.
Give strength to those who care for them.
Relieve the pain of the sick,
and, in times of trial,
grant everyone the comfort of your mercy.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
(Pope Francis)
«The Lord heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.» (Ps 146, 2-3)
Sr Lina Cyr dj Rimouski, Canada