Sœur Dorina Savoie f.j., (Marie Hermance)



Dorina Savoie (Marie Hermance),

passed away suddenly on July 1st 2018

Dorina was born in Val D’Amours, New Brunswick, on March 28th 1930 in a large family. Born of her father’s first marriage, she learned to work at an early age. But at 17, she entered the novitiate in Trois-Rivières and became a Fille de Jésus in 1949.

Dorina dedicated herself to the service of the community, working in the laundry d

epartment and in the kitchen throughout her active religious life. After sixteen years of work in the laundry at the Chéticamp Hospital, she took a two-year rest. Then she resumed working as an assistant in the laundry of the Provincial House where she stayed for three years.


After a year of renewal at Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Dorina again assumed her service in the laundry department for eight years first in the community of Barachois and then in that of Grande Anse. She then returned to Chéticamp, this time to the convent where she served as a cook for eleven years. In 1992, she returned to Grande Anse and helped caring for the needy and sharing in the domestic tasks until 2010. Then she came to live her retirement years in Riverview.


Dorina did not make much noise during her life, but she did a lot of good. She was a courageous, responsible, dedicated woman; a woman of prayer and action. Being also a well organized person, she was always faithful to performing very conscientiously the tasks entruste

d to her. She also knew how to organize her leisure time in interesting ways: she liked knitting, crocheting, sewing, puzzles, being of service to others, listening to music, reading, praying … She enjoyed friendly and community meetings, visits, card games, outings together. And she had a special tenderness for the poor and the destitute, whom she always treated with great love and generosity, confident in this word of Jesus: Whatsoever you did to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, that you did unto me.

On the morning of July 1st 2018, she didn’t feel well and called the nurse b

ut in less than 15 minutes, she had already left us trusting in the God of tender love and compassion whom she had served and loved all her life. She was 88 years old and in her 69th year of religious life. May God welcome her now in his peace, joy and love!




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