Ruth CALVERT (S. Richard Maria)

Ruth Calvert (Richard Maria),

passed away on the 30 of January 2021.



Ruth was born in Campbellton, New Brunswick, June 16th 1938 in a family of nine children. At the age of 18 she entered the novitiate in Rogersville and became a Fille de Jésus in 1959.

Ruth devoted the first eighteen years of her apostolic religious life in the field of education. After a year of experience in Belledune, she attended Teachers’ College in Moncton in 1960. Then she moved to Cape Breton where she taught first in River Bourgeois, then in D’Escousse and Arichat. She also took time off from teaching to study for her B.A. degree at St. F. X. University in Antigonish and then resumed teaching in L’Ardoise.

Ruth left the teaching profession in 1978 and studied in Ottawa and Arnprior, before getting involved in pastoral ministry and catechesis first in Dalhousie and then in Nash Creek. Afterwards, she was appointed receptionist at the Provincial House and fulfilled this service for nine years. In 1992, she returned to Cape Breton where she dedicated herself to pastoral work and coordinated catechesis in the parishes of D’Escousse and Arichat. Wherever she lived, she exercised her talents as a musician and artist for the benefit of the community. In June 2014, Ruth arrived at the community of Riverview where the day-to-day activities and the atmosphere of the house were very different from those of a small community. But she had the opportunity to continue using her talents as a musician and artist for the service of the community during the first few years. While she was still relatively young, Ruth had to deal with health problems that left their trace on her general health condition but this has not prevented her from giving her best wherever she went.

Ruth was a rather timid person, fearful and yet able to measure up when the task was within her limits. She loved to prepare and set up decorations to emphasize the importance of religious feast days and various anniversaries. She also loved puzzles, crosswords, cryptoquotes and riddles, and she enjoyed going to the restaurant, listening to music, walking outdoors …

On , she passed away, trusting in the God who had called her and whom she had served with her possibilities and the talents he had given her. She was 82 years old and in her 62 year of religious life. May she now rejoice in the peace, love and joy of our God on January 30.





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