Planning our future together

In Rimouski, Quebec, Canada from March 28th – 30th a group of Filles de Jésus of the province Canada met to pursue the reflection on our governance structures.


The general Chapter decided that in the years to come we should reconsider our governing structures so that they would be as well adapted as possible to the evolution of our realities: Congregation, Provinces, Districts. (Acts of Chapter 2016)


Sharing in groups


These three days were spent in reflection, prayer and sharing in groups of vice-provinces and inter-provincial groups so as to discover together what would be our best option for the years to come.


Testimony of the Sisters


“This provincial meeting was well prepared during the last Council of the Congregation and adjusted to our Canadian situation by the Provincial Council. At the very outset, we laid a very solid foundation in preparation for our group work…. information, reflection and prayer. After being informed of our population projections, we shared our ideas in a very friendly atmosphere, and came quickly to agree on a proposition for a lighter structure.

What about our fraternal interactions among us? It is so wonderful to come together from the four corners of the country and to live a profound communion of minds and hearts!

I feel privileged to have participated in this meeting axed on the structures that we propose ad experimentum for our Province.”

Ursule Beaulieu,fj, Rimouski, Quebec


“This meeting allowed me to realize the distance we have covered since 2005 when we became a single Province. The bonds that were formed during the merger have grown stronger over the years and I really felt that we are indeed ONE body…with the same vision, the same desire to LIVE our mission to the very end, to foster the growth of our charism in a greater union with Christ who gives meaning to our life.”

Florence Lavigne, Alberta


“Our encounters took place in a very serene atmosphere, based on objectivity and openness with regards to our future. We felt strengthened by the presence and prayer of all the Sisters as we journeyed along these three days.”

Diane Parent, fj Trois Rivières, Québec


Atmosphere of trust, openness and communion


“I really enjoyed these three days of reflection and teamwork in Rimouski with regards to adjusting our governing structures for the future of the Congregation. As I had had the opportunity to actively participate in the reflection begun in 1999 towards the unification of the four Canadian provinces (that eventually took place in 2005), I immediately felt comfortable working on the adjustment of our current structures. As the Provincial Council had very well prepared this working session, I felt that we soon found ourselves on the same wavelength– all 28 of us. Serene and peaceful, yet realistic and even bold in the face of our future, we worked in an atmosphere of trust, openness and deep communion.”

Fernande Chiasson, fj Moncton, Nouveau Brunswick


Turned towards the future


Thus, looking towards the future, we will pursue our reflection, each in our own Vice Province so that all together we may envision a renewal of our structures that would allow us to live our charism right to the end.


Catherine Cormier, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada


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