“To engage more in the human and environmental dimensions of ecology” Acts of the General Chapter 2016

Carole, lay associate of the Daughters of Jesus shares with us her experience of the opening day of the new apostolic year in the Three Rivers vice-province.




When I take time to ponder on creation, I realise that God’s presence is everywhere. All of the miracles in their origin and evolution cannot only be the result of circumstances. My manner of seeing things has changed. And I remain open because, thanks to our meetings, I shall have other avenues to explore.


Cosmic principles of Evolution


I really liked the three cosmic principles of Evolution, which are

  • Diversity
  • Interiority
  • Communion.

Allow me to refer to a few lines of the summary which describe these principles.

“Each creature created in love by God has a creative interior strength which guides each one throughout life. This life-giving power can only exist if it is in relationship or if it is in communion with other creatures.”


Light and darkness


Here, quite a surprise! The cosmos is made up of 5% light and 95% darkness! What a duality! I reflected and realised that, in creation, this duality is everywhere present. We, humans, are at the same time, light and darkness, good and evil. Nature is hot and cold, dry and rainy, etc.

This duality is also found in the Word of God. For example, the parable of the sower speaks of the good grain that grows alongside the weed.


Love, the key to change


The secret to be able to change things is to love in the manner of our Heavenly Father.

He gave us everything in love. Let us love ourselves, love others, love the home we share and there will be change because everything is inter-related. God’s word reminds us that love transforms, love is patient, etc.


The Home we share

The meeting heightened our awareness concerning the work we must undertake to care for “the Home we share”. The hope within us is that each and every one of us, in doing our part, will be like the stone cast upon the water, enabling the repercussion of the ripple effect to become always greater.


Carole Thibeault, lay associate with the Daughters of Jesus,

Three Rivers, Canada.


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