“We don’t have any books at home”

A Karna

In the African Province we can still find at the Daughters of Jesus a library available for the children. Karna continues this beautiful tradition that is linked to our mission of education in the congregation.

Karna is an agricultural village in the north of Cameroon which accommodates many displaced people coming from the extreme North.

The library inherited from those of Djohong, Tignères et Méganga which were closed down because of a lack of personnel. With the assistance of friends, of benefactors and a small contribution from its subscribers we can purchase some new books.

Three possible proposals:

  • Students from the 6th grade to the end of their final year at secondary level, about 60 young people can benefit – a drop in the bucket- but which is amplified by working toElèves de CM1gether.


  • Every Friday the students of cm1 – cm2 of primary level can come to choosep a book for the weekend. The teacher can be very helpful in the choice of a book according to the student’s reading comprehension ability.


  • On Thursday and Friday afternoon I await the college students after the day’s courses. This activity is done in collaboration with the headmaster of the Secondary School convinced of the importance of reading. He accepts to register the students of his school and to transfer them to us. Approximately 60 are registered and of these, 30 are faithful readers. Even if it seems little I can see a real progress in the attendance of those in the two first years at Secondary level.


Let us hear in a very simple language what some of these latter ones have to say about coming to the library.

  • Adissatou:” When you don’t know French you can learn French.”


  • Lizatou: ”I love books for the stories that are in them that tell me what I never heard.”


  • Marie-Claire:” To learn words.”


  • Bobo Daniel: “I like to read; we don’t have any books at home.”


  • Sawadatou:“ We can now read better at school.”

manuels à prêter 1


Books are not chosen at random; everyone takes time to turn the pages. Stories well illustrated, the life of Jesus, all religions mixed up, bibles for children, seem to be preferred.


les fidèles lectricces1It’s such a joy to see them leave the library slowly, eyes fixed on their book and to know that some hundred folks of Harr and Karna will reach out to perhaps 3 hundred more since, who will prevent this book from passing hand to hand, from father to mother, sister to brother or to the neighbor?


To give a taste for reading, open the heart and mind, promote a better understanding at school, isn’t that working like Jesus did and with Jesus “ so they may have life and life in abundance” in response to a local need.


Marie Thérèse Catusse


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