Here are a few moments during the launching of the year, for the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates of the Vice-Province of Three-Rivers (Canada). We will also share with you certain questions and reflections that were touched upon during the meeting.
1.What do we consider essential in order that our lives have a «Gospel flavour»?
. Be branched on Jesus and bear witness to love, including the element of pardon.
. Contemplate, adore, give thanks.
. Know how to listen, welcome with a smile and encouragement.
. Put the Word into practice, in our daily life; share it.
. Escape materialism and put the accent on humanity, on persons.
2.Places, situations, areas where we could be more present, more audacious,
more visible?
- For the Associates, it would be time to take a few steps forward: go to other Congregations, see what is happening there, show signs of openness, trust in the Holy Spirit. Meet once a year with members of other Congregations.
. The migrants, the prostitutes, is caring for the littlest ones. How far are we willing to go? Not take the pretext that « it is too big»
. The others are also in our houses. Be more audacious toward one another.
. Participating in charitable organizations, volunteering.
. Residences for autonomous elderly people seem a periphery little exploited.
. Exercise our citizenship by participating in our local Municipal Councils.
. In the society debates, have the courage to state our opinion. Ex: medical assistance to die, palliative care.
3. Sharing on the encounter of Jesus with the Syria-Phoenician woman :
- The Syria-Phoenician woman is an example of humility and audacity that brings about a change in Jesus himself.
- Jesus accepts to be disturbed in his plans; it opens up the possibility to widen his mission and go towards others.
- Why wouldn’t we go towards other Congregations to exchange experiences and a reciprocal enrichment?
- The reference to little ones who eat the crumbs that fall under the table is an invitation to exclude no one from access to the Bread of Life (Eucharist)
- The Syria-Phoenician woman goes to the very end of her request; Jesus goes to the very end of listening: from these two openings, a relationship is created.