Music over the years

Grandiose concert at the Museum of the Daughters of Jesus in Three- Rivers, Province of Quebec, Canada


Crédit photo: Mathieu Marchand

The Museum of the Daughters of Jesus have a mandate to make known the history, the mission and the heritage, material and immaterial of the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus.

At the end of the tourist season, the Museum and the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus offered the public, on September 6th at Three-Rivers, a concert in connection with the exhibition theme “Music over the years.” This exhibition was presented during the 2014 season, highlighting the important world of music of the Daughters of Jesus within the Congregation, but also the music heritage that they left to past, present and future generations.

The concert put the accent on the past and present students of Val-Marie and Keranna schools, founded respectively by the Daughters of Jesus in 1950 and in 1962. After attending these schools, and with more advanced studies, several students continued on toward a professional career in the field of music. However, regardless of whether or not they persevered in the music world, all the students have assuredly developed a taste for music with the Daughters of Jesus.


Crédit photo: Mathieu Marchand


Crédit photo: Mathieu Marchand

To this effect, the program of the concert presented, in the first part, the artists of Val-Marie, thus recalling the numerous children who did honor to “the music option” of this establishment. In the second part, the public welcomed a musician from Three-Rivers of international renown, in the person of Mrs. Valerie Milot, a professional harpist. A former student of Val-Marie and Keranna, Valerie developed her love of music there, and got an excellent start in order to persevere in her career.


Crédit photo: Mathieu Marchand

This concert allowed the Daughters of Jesus to share with the public an important part of their work. More than 300 persons were able to appreciate the artistic value of the event in the splendour of the magnificent chapel of Kermaria.

Sincere thanks to Mrs. Valerie Milot, to Val-Marie and its artists, to Mrs. Josée Caron, coordinator of the Department of Music, and especially to the Daughters of Jesus for their precious collaboration.

Nathalie Carpentier
Director of the Museum of the Daughters of Jesus


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