Meeting of the Associates at Ste Anne d’Auray


The group of Associates of the Daughters of Jesus met at the community of the Sisters of Ste Anne d’Auray on Saturday the 27th of November 2021.


A meeting long looked forward to

We had had to wait more than a year before we could meet again to reflect and share on the theme proposed for the year 2021-2022 :



“Taking care of “

After having exchanged, from the material proposed on the personality and life of Mother Marie de Saint-Charles, we noted what speaks to us today, as Associates and Daughters of Jesus.



We retained

  • Like Mother Marie de Saint-Charles, we are called to “do our best” in our daily lives. We can draw inspiration from this to be able to “take care of” others and to act with humility.
  • Taking care of others… of nature.
  • As in the gospel of the blind man, Jesus saysWhat do you want me to do for you?”
  • Taking care of the other is not “doing in the place of the other.” It is knowing how to be patient, and take into account the rhythm of the other. The time needed by the other may be different from mine.
  • Seeking to listen, with a concern for the common good, for a “Church in conversation”, a Church, as Pope Paul VI said, in dialogue with the world.
  • Trying to achieve our objectives, while remaining humble and upright. ?»



A regard of love

We left each other, delighted to have “taken care of” our group. We had recharged our batteries and been nourished by our exchanges and the final prayer where we sang “A regard of love” (Cécile and Jean Noël Klinger, Patrick Richard).


Today’s meeting had allowed us to “be the Church”.

The lay Associates And

the community of the Daughters of Jesus

of Ste Anne d’Auray


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