Meeting for “Consecrated Life”

The Day of Consecrated Life for the Diocese of Cahors in the south of France,  took place on the 8th of June at the Convent of Vaylats. Sr Marie Jo tells us about it.

This year the theme of the Day was: “Our sources of Joy in our life as consecrated!”

We were twenty-eight religious Sisters in total: Daughters of Jesus, Sisters of Notre Dame du Calvaire in Gramat, hermits, consecrated virgins, as well as three Carmelites from Figeac accompanied by their chaplain, the episcopal delegate for Consecrated Life. Mgr Laurent Camiade, the Bishop of Cahors, was also present with us.

The day began with a time of sharing in the room beneath the cloister around our response to the Lord’s Call at every age, and in all the places where we live!

A symbol

Each one had brought with her a symbol of her Joy, which was subsequently placed before the altar for the Eucharistic Celebration in the chapel.

A visit to the convent

A good meal in the large dining room preceded the visit to the convent. For many, this was a real discovery.

Where there are Consecrated Persons, there is Joy!

We returned to the room where some of the religious who had not been able to come shared their joy with us by means of a recorded video or messages read out by their Sisters!

Our Bishop then brought together our experience when he said :

We share our complementary riches. Expressing our joy does us good! Sometimes, our joys arise amid trials. The Lord meets us there, giving meaning to our commitments and signs of His presence. Our world is not overly joyful, but beauty is to be found there. The Holy Spirit himself brings joy! God’s action is the strongest.

In our poverty and our weakness, there are signs of the Lord’s work in our hearts, hidden joys, which are simple, without glitter or show. Remember David and Goliath! God’s strength shines through in the fraternity between us!”

A time of prayer united us before we departed, and appointments were made to celebrate 25 years of Life given at Gramat and Figeac.

Sr Marie Joseph, fj,

Lalbenque, France


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