Sister Jeannette Rousseau (Sister Éphrem Maria) Fille de Jésus

Jeannette RousseaJeannette was born on June 16 1920 in Morinville, the eldest of a familyof 6. She studied with the Filles de Jésus in Morinville. She then entered novitiate in Trois-Rivières and made profession on August 4, 1940 taking her father’s name, Éphrem Maria. She made her final vows in Morinville in 1945 .

All through her life Jeannette manifested generosity, dedication, gratefulness and a great enthusiasm and joy. Her love of music, song and theatre were part of her life as a young girl, and into her teaching years. Many are the plays her students put on; many the festivals her choirs participated in; she even led one group to Expo ’67 in Montreal. In her pastoral ministry, she would play the organ at church, initiate others in doing the same, and invite everyone to sing along. In her senior years she sang in Melodies d’Amours choir and acted in Les Étoiles Argentées.

Even in the Infirmary she gave of herself in joy and fun. She is remembered as a very joyful person, full of fun, and ready to render service. She passed away peacefully on December 13 at the Infirmary of the Sisters of Providence where she had spent the last two years.


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