Our lay brethren renew their “yes” to the God of life


The associate members of the Daughters of Jesus in Colombia renew their promises as lay personas.

With great joy Omar Gómez, Fausto Fisgativa, Flor Villarrraga and Esteban Gonzales associate members of our congregation renewed their promises during the month of February in the provincial house, Bogotá. They renewed them for one year to continue quenching their thirst in the fountain of our Charism.

In their experience, this Charism has meant:

  • Simplicity
  • Prayer life
  • Nearness
  • Fidelity
  • Service
  • Charity
  • Compassion


These aspects of the Charism are the means for following Jesus, as married couples, mothers, fathers, employed o independent endeavouring to live their baptismal promises and their faith in this God who became human.

It is in the routine of every day that they are ready to live one more year as disciples of Jesus, accepting the grace that he offers and the invitation which he makes in their day to day situations.

One of these invitations is the bonds of friendship with associate members of other countries. This same day, they enjoyed the good experience of encountering the associate members of Chile by Skype via the different groups of Tucapel, Chillán and Santiago.

This encounter brought forth memories, recognized faces, the sound of different Spanish accents and dream together of a project that will unite them as associate members. Thos project that is going forward opens up new horizons of growth as Church, of fraternity on the midst of diversity and differences making them feel united by the Charism and the language of Encarnation of the son of God. It is with this desire of unity that they wish to continue weaving fraternal relationships and engagements for the kingdom of God.

We rejoice for them and congratulate them for their generous reply to the God of life. We assure them of our prayer and fraternity in the their projects as lay personas engaged in the Church.



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