Sister Teresa Corrales shares her testimony as a member of the Faith and Light community of Danlí, Honduras. She tells of the joy of living the mystery of the Cross as a paschal path with several families who have children with disabilities. These children are called “Friends”.
Who are we ?
We are an international community called Faith and Light, present in different countries across the world. Our mission is made up of accompanying “Friends with special abilities”, their young parents and adults who like to serve in this field because they discover the gift and vocation that is in them.
In Honduras there are nine communities : Choluteca, Valle, Tegucigalpa, Danlí, Olanchito, Yoro, Tocoa, Central Coyoles and La Ceiba. Every two years we have a lively National Meeting where everyone shares the joy of the Gospel. As Pope Francis said : It is an unforgettable “encounter” … we dance, we laugh, we take time to pray together, to do drama, to go for walks through the streets.
Families as witnesses to Easter
Our community’s mission is to share the life of people with physical and mental difficulties. We help their parents to accept and value their children with both their disabilities and their qualities. They have a lot to offer. At first we see that many mothers suffer and carry a heavy cross. Our commitment is to be alongside them in carrying this cross. Although some mothers say it is not a cross but a blessing, this is the fruit of having accepted and valued this challenge in their life. They let themselves be found by Jesus who is close to them in the paschal mystery.
In our Daughters of Jesus community in Danli, we have the joy of welcoming them every second Sunday of the month. I enjoy these meetings which strengthen my faith and open the doors of my heart to be attentive to the gestures of Jesus.
The Friends’ joy is a challenging testimony
This year we had a special meeting in Tocoa Colón, northern Honduras, from the 18th to the 20th January. More than 200 people took part, including a visiting community from El Salvador. There is something speical about these meetings of Friends. They make us happy. I say ‘special’ because in the eyes of many people these Friends know nothing and understand nothing. However, those who work with them and know them, discover many virtues and qualities in them. We are certain of their friendship and unconditional love, of the faith that they live, and of the way they pray deeply. There are many things to admire in them. It is something you experience when you live with them.
Sister Teresa Corrales Canales dj