Living confinement at Vaylats

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the Sisters at Vaylats convent have also had to adapt to the new measures put in place. Interviewed by telephone, Mr. Brochard, the Director of the Association Jean Liausu, and Sister Christiane tell us about the situation.


Agnes Miquel – Mr. Brochard, since the epidemic of the coronavirus in our country, what measures have you implemented?

Mr. Brochard – We decided at a board meeting to close the convent and, of course, we have implemented barrier measures. Concretely, this means that no one comes in and no one goes out except the staff, home helpers and delivery men.”

Following the announcement by our President, Mr. Macron, about general confinement, we strengthened the measures. Then we finally added social distancing at meals. In order to do so, we had to re-locate to a larger locale. We have also worked hard to sensitize the staff to this unique situation.

As for the lay residents, we have organized exchanges through Skype, so that they can keep in touch with their families who are no longer allowed to come and visit their loved ones. It has therefore been necessary to train the residents and family members on how to use Skype.


Mr. Brochard ended by telling us that the Sisters and the laity are well aware that they are in a very privileged environment.


The Sisters reorganize



Christiane then told us more specifically about the Sisters.


Agnes – Christiane, how are the Sisters living all this?


Christiane – It hasn’t fundamentally changed their habits since they go out very little or have to be accompanied: they easily stay in their rooms. They have only gradually realized the seriousness of the situation. We were afraid that the changes implemented might disturb them, but they soon found their bearings. They are faithful in respecting the instructions given to them. Things seem to be going smoothly. We no longer go to the chapel, so we have had to find other ways to pray as a community and to celebrate since there is no longer any Eucharist. A change of routine can have its benefits…


Serenity and peace


In carrying out this interview with Mr. Brochard and Sr Christiane, I can easily perceive that, on the whole, life at the convent in Vaylats remains peaceful and serene.


Interview by Sr. Agnès fj, Rennes, France


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