L’Arche Edmonton – Golden Jubilee

The Daughters of Jesus are happy to contribute to the work of l’Arche community in Edmonton in the sale of their house. They were invited to celebrate with l’Arche the 50th anniversary of their establishment in Edmonton.

An important milestone

On November 5, 2022, L’Arche Edmonton celebrated its 50 years of existence in Edmonton and surroundings. Jeannette Nadeau, Gisèle Labonté, Pauline Magnan and Georgine Morin attended the celebration held at Four Points Hotel in Edmonton from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. It was a very simple but touching expression of gratitude on their golden jubilee. It was co-emceed with core members and staff. The National Leader, Louis Pilotte, and the Western Leader, Christine Monier, brought greetings from Montreal and Winnipeg.

A letter from Archbishop Richard Smith was read by the archdiocesan Vicar General: Jim Corrigan who also spoke in his own name. Dignitaries from both City and Alberta Governments expressed good wishes and affirmed the work L’Arche is doing.

Chuck and Carmel Hunt provided some entertainment. Carmel gave a well-prepared history of L’Arche using a PowerPoint while Chuck pleased the crowd with song and guitar.

Special recognition for Core members and the Daughters of Jesus

Later in the afternoon, both staff and core members reaching special number of years received plaques and were photographed. The core member who was the first resident is still in the same house, the same room for the past 50 years.

 We, Les Filles de Jésus, were honoured with an official thank you for the sale of Maple Tree which answers l’Arche’s long search for a place of their own to house their day programs. Here is how they expressed their plan in a letter dated April 10, 2022.

A favorable location in the neighborhood

“Maple Tree is located within walking and wheelchair distance of three L’Arche homes in Edmonton and is across the street from La Paroisse St. Thomas d’Aquin where several times a year family, friends and guardians of the L’Arche Edmonton community gather for community events and prayer.

These gatherings help us to build a more humane society.The location of Maple Tree could not be more ideal for us, especially as our Core Members become more elderly and less mobile.

“We will need to renovate the interior to make it more accessible for Core Members, but we joyfully accept this expense and trust in God’s providence.

Unlike many other buildings we have seen, Maple Tree would be a true home for our community center and create a neighbourhood for our Core Members.

Our Charism is alive and well

“Les Filles de Jésus have a long history of caring for the sick and the poor and educating children. L’Arche builds community for persons with developmental disabilities.

Our work is different, but our goal is the same: helping those in need to feel wanted, cared for, and valued.”

We, Daughters of Jesus, are grateful that our charism will continue through the work of l’Arche in this neighborhood where we have lived and worked for many years.

Florence lavigne, fj,

Edmonton,  Canada


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