During this Advent Season 2014,
Let us welcome His Benevolence.

bras sur épauleBenevolence is the affection which desires the happiness and well-being of others.
Who first of all watched over a person in need?

Without doubt, our benevolent Jesus.

Let us consider some of the things he did for the people of his time

To Zaccheus he said, “Come down. Hurry because I must stay at your house today.” (Lk 19:5)
To the blind man in Jericho he said, ”What do you want me to do for you?” (Lk 18:41)
To Lazarus he said, “Lazarus here! Come out! “(Jn 11:43
To the woman caught in adultery he said, “Go away and don’t sin anymore! “ (Jn 8:11(b))

What benevolence!

Closer to us

Mother Theresa, the woman who spent her life caring for the dying, the lepers…
Jean Vanier who gave himself to the handicapped, the voiceless, the poor.
Pope Francis, the benevolent Pope, with his humble, simple and transparent style.

What benevolence!

And still closer

Me, you, us, Daughters of Jesus, of the Vice-province of Rimouski (Canada), for whom do we reserve our benevolence?

Personally or in community, let us open our eyes, let us see the misery, the homeless, the victims of violence, the destitute, the martyrs in war-torn countries, (Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem…).

Fortunately, God is in the life of each one. “You yourself have seen the distress and the grief, you watch and then take them into your hands; the luckless man commits himself to you.”
(Ps 10:14).

Let us stay awake and count on the benevolence of the Father.

Thank you, Lord, for opening our hearts very wide to see a long ways and to discover the needs of others.

For some time now we have had occasions to manifest our benevolence towards our sisters who have experienced an accident, or a severe illness. A comforting word, a smile, a compassionate presence is little yet so much for those who suffer in silence. This little gesture could transform and awaken life.

To grow together in RESPECT, COMPASSION and THE SIGNS OF GOD is the way to set out again on a road to humanity and to humanization in the footsteps of our great BENEVOLENT Jesus .

Sr Lina Cyr, d.j., Vice-province of Rimouski (Canada)


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