Yves le Truédic, an Associate of the Daughters of Jesus, uses these words of a child to share with us what the Resurrection deeply inspires in him.

Jésus est Revivant(1)

« These words of a child touched me as I was adding a commentary to the photo of the cherry tree in flower in my garden.

And then, just a little while ago, our grandson Robin, who is 4 years old, said to me :

“Tad Goz *, when you die, I am going to cry. But you are going to see Jesus, and you will come back again, because he will make you better …”

A symbol immediately came to mind :

– fire

Professionally engaged in the Secours Catholique during 37 years and now retired, I thought again of the words I heard directly from the founder, Monsignor RODHAIN :

“Your mission is to take the fire of Charity to the most far-flung parishes of your diocese”.

A man ahead of his time, he knew how to talk about “micro projects”: a “proliferating” microbe going in a positive direction from assistance to the development of the whole human being.

Associés avril 2014 - 01 109

On the 5th April 2014, my wife Marie and I, Associates of the Daughters of Jesus – Sisters of Kermaria – walked as pilgrims in the footsteps of Perrine SAMSON our foundress, with the theme “I have come to bring fire to the earth” Lk 12, 49. The symbol of fire came to me again and sparked anew in me.

The “Resurrection” is the “foundation of the everyday”, it draws its application from the rereading of life and it is that that we live throughout Lent.

For me, what I have lived in 2014, finds it form in the small square of violet crepe-paper containing the ashes we shared as we entered into Lent : I have looked at it every day thinking over and praying the beautiful meetings I have had with people.

I have let myself be called, I have advanced … Not every day : sometimes natural indolence has had the upper hand. I too have fallen asleep in the Garden of Olives … re-finding Jesus there, God in our Humanity …

I know where I am going : the Absent One of Saturday will arouse me again, for it is by “this sign” that I will know him again! The Resurrection is re-finding God in my life, because I am through Him, with Him and in Him.

And so I can make Robin’s words my own :

“Jesus is going to make me better !… and I will come back again.”

Tad Goz * from the Breton for Granddad



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