Quartier de Kingabwa

Quartier de Kingabwa


In the neighborhood Kingabwa, situated on the outskirts of Kinshasa, DRC, women must fight for their survival and that of the entire family.

Most are uneducated and many sell their bodies to feed their children.


Crescence Belaya

Crescence Belaya


The word of God to Moses: “I have seen the affliction of my people and I came to you” resonates with me .We must do something to fight against poverty.


Saint Joseph Centre Kermaria welcomes girls and boys from 17 to 26 years, who are learning to read, write, speak French and are introduced to sewing and aesthetics. Womens also want to learn. Training is programmed with the objective of acquiring practical knowledge. To combat poverty, 80 young ladies and women pay the modest sum of 1000 FC to register.

The program offers the following:06 Kingabwa conservation du poisson

02 Kigabwa couture

• learning to dye

• Manufacture of soap, disinfectant,

• Realization of culinary dishes cakes, mayonnaise, biscuits, natural juice…

• Preservation of fish

• Making placemats, cushions,

Three participative conferences addressed:

Préparation au mariage

Préparation au mariage

Santé et reproduction

Santé et reproduction

• Preparation for marriage from a film

• Environmental health and reproductionwith Médecins du Monde,

• The role of the woman in her home.

Every afternoon from 15h to 17h for 10 days, participants are diligent and arrive even before the time to ask for clarification or continue an unfinished task. Conferences and debates helped give them a voice.

What active participation! What love of learning!

At appraisal, a great desire to continue this successful initiative is expressed: a pushful group should be put in place to find how to give practical effectuates beneficial for them and others. But, they say: «Sister, were ally need your support.”

Sister Crescence BEYALA




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