“Honor the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God”

For us, Daughters of Jesus and Associates of Rimouski vice-province assembled on November 25th, 2017, on the feast of Christ the King, the passage of our Rule of Life, no. 3, p.17, took on a deeper meaning. Our chaplain, Fr. Jacques Côté, guided our reflection.


November 25th, feast of our Congregation, feast of Christ the King: …Coincidence…


Who is this Son of God? Who is this Christ the King of whom we speak today? Where is he? How do we get to know him? How can we see him, recognize him? Our mission is to witness to his love, in today’s world.


This Son of God, who is he?


He is a king in the manner of the Good Shepherd. He is the one who is concerned about his wounded, lost sheep… That is why the Gospel presents Christ the King as having:

  • As tiara, the crown of suffering of the sick
  • As scepter, the walking stick of the stranger, the immigrant
  • As garment, the dusty tunic of the person begging for food and drink.


Where is this Son of God?

  • Wherever there is a man, woman or child needing to be loved…
  • In every person disfigured with illness, poverty, destitution, abuse, injustice;
  • In a companion, a colleague, a neighbor whose personality is not so appealing;
  • In the drug addict, in “Jo, the terror”, in the recidivist, the depressed teenager, the cranky elderly person, the AID’s victim, the lesbian, the transgender…


Christ is calling us


In all these persons,

  • It is Christ calling us to greater understanding.
  • It is the wounded Christ inviting us to respect all human beings.


A privilege! Yes: A mission


We are all called to imitate Christ’s love by:

  • “Our manner of envisaging others in a non-condemning, non-judgemental manner that restores dignity.”
  • “Our heartfelt presence at a sick person’s bedside or with a lonely person to ease their anguish and give a bit of hope.”
  • Giving a great deal of attention and tenderness to persons who never accepted and loved themselves for their true value.


Is it not what is meant by knowing and recognizing Him?


Each time, you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it unto me. It is no doubt in answer to this revelation that Mère Marie de St Charles wrote in 1850, practise Jesus’ charity in dealing with all those who suffer, with children, with the elderly, the sick or handicapped entrusted to your care”.


Father Jacques continues


Our Lord reminds us that we cannot be content to say that we believe in Him, the Risen One… we must do all in our power not to neglect those who are dear to him and to whom he wants to be identified “ the poor… the underprivileged in our milieux… the voiceless… the most deprived.” (R.L.no 17)

This is our manner of trying to “Honor the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God.”

Jeannine D’Amours fj, Rimouski, Canada


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