Jean-Marc Noupieu, Associate of the Daughters of Jesus in N’Gaoundéré, shares with us his vocation as an Associate of the Congregation and his experience as the leader of the team of Associates in North Cameroon.
Signs of attraction from God
Since my affirmative response to God’s call in the field of education, in his Church, and particularly in the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus as an Associate, several events and experiences have nourished my journey from 1997 to the present day. My closeness to the Sisters has opened my eyes to the progressive rooting of the Congregation’s charism, ‘To honour the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God’.
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Since 1997 when I met the DAughters of Jesus at the University of Ngaoundéré in the Adamaoua region, the northern part of Cameroon, I have been seduced by the ‘Fire of Charity’ that they carried and continue to carry within them. This fire continues to consume me, my family, and those around me.
I admit that it was already happening, without my really knowing why, day by day, little by little, step by step, slowly and progressively, as I embarked on the great journey, the great adventure with and in the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus. To begin with, this took the form of regular exchanges with the Sisters on a wide range of ecclesial, family, religious, environmental, and social issues, always based on education and formation.
The mediation of God
Then came that unforgettable and memorable day of my meeting with Sister Annie Six. Through her I discovered what the charism was all about; she really held my hand, accompanied me, formed me, initiated me, guided me and refocused me in my spiritual, professional and family commitments. I was also a member of the vocational group that she led. I was abundantly nourished by the life of God with the Sisters of this community and this thirst and hunger for God yesterday and today continue to be fulfilled by the presence of the Daughters of Jesus in my life.
So my adventure as an Associate began that day when I was about to leave, just outside the current community of Bini Dang, the former Novitiate. I looked down and saw two letters built from well-kept flowers, imposing in their size and welcoming at the entrance. These two letters were ‘FJ’. After observing this for a while, I turned around and realised that Sister Annie Six was watching me leave; I asked her, ‘Sister, what does “FJ” stand for?’ She simply replied , ’FJ means Daughters of Jesus.’ And I replied, ‘Why not sons of Jesus?‘ We laughed and I declared that day that I was a ‘Son of Jesus’.
My affirmative response to the call to become an Associate
She then stopped me for a moment and said: ‘Jean-Marc, do you really want to walk with us and the Congregation?‘ My answer was affirmative and she went on to say that there were lay people in the Congregation who were committed to walking with the Sisters and that they were called ‘Associates’. So it was on that day that she spoke to me about the charism of the Congregation and the place and importance of the Associates and their mission within the Congregation. She told me about the groups of Associates that already existed and were well-advanced, such as in France and Canada.
The birth of the first group of Associates in N’Gaoundéré
She announced that a group would soon be set up in Ngaoundéré and that it would be good for me to be part of it in order to understand things better. I replied that I was already there but she said, ‘Gently, gently, it will come with time’. Here we are talking about the years 1997 through to 2001. We were there from 1997 to 2001.
So it was that in 2006 the small group of Associates of North Cameroon was born. It has grown and evolved little by little and today operates in five sectors with around thirty members. The first meeting was held in the very first house of the Daughters of Jesus in N’Gaoundéré. At the time, we were successively accompanied by different sisters who passed on to us ‘the Fire of Charity’ through their way of life and quality of life.
Yesterday, they were all there and available to accompany us; today, others are following in their footsteps. The Sisters who accompanied us emphasized the fundamental formation of the members, based on meditation on the Word of God, sharing, the history, and the Charism of the Congregation. This formation continues to the present day, with some innovations introduced by the ‘Reference Document for Associates’ entitled ‘The Way of Humanity’ and the Orientations of the 2022 General Chapter.
The beneficence of the Charism in my life
Since I joined the Associates’ group freely, totally, and definitively, I continue to discover new aspects of the Charism daily :
- within my family and in my interpersonal relationships,
- through the different categories of people who make up the group,
- through the different people that I meet,
- in my workplace and my Christian community,
- and in the accomplishment of my parish, diocesan, and inter-diocesan commitments.
The Charism of honoring the ‘Sacred Humanity of the Son of God’ continues to nourish my life. I’ve spent all these years within the group as a simple servant and I’ve understood that always being at the service of others gives a profound and concrete meaning to the living out of the Charism.
This living out of the Charism has been an experience rich in suffering, fragility, peace, and joy. I have learned to welcome, accept and share sorrows and joys, to give of myself for others, and to pray together for one another. The graces I have received are a strengthening of my faith, a sense of forgiveness, humility, charity, and, above all, patience.
I am always struck by the acceptance and commitment of the people to whom I propose the Charism of the Congregation. This has awakened in me a commitment to vocational ministry. I cannot forget that great day in my life, in July 2022, when, with the other Associates participating in the General Chapter, I was called to go out into the deep and cast the net, saying: ‘On your Word, I will cast the nets.’ (Lk5:5). That day, I felt the fire burning within me; that fire continues to burn to this day.
An act of thanksgiving
I cannot end without expressing my deference and sincere gratitude to the first Sisters and to those present today who have accompanied the group, and always known how to listen and be empathetic. Above all, through their lives, presence, and actions, they have been able to bear witness to the person of Jesus. They continue to propose Jesus to us through their lives.
We pray for our Sisters, our first companions, who are ill, and for all those who are ill in the Mother House, Kermaria. May God strengthen them and grant them a speedy recovery. My gratitude also goes to all the Associates who have accepted me as I am, who support me and sustain me. I cannot forget to say an infinite thank you to all the Sisters and Associates of the Africa Province for their advice and support.
A fruitful mission to all through the intercession of Saint Joseph.
We are and remain together to follow Jesus
who leads us along the paths of humanity.
Associate of the Daughters of Jesus
Ngaoundéré, North Cameroon