Celebrating a centenarian under special circumstance


Technology to the rescue as our Canadian Sisters celebrate a 100th birthday!



On Sunday April 5th, we celebrated the 100th birthday of Sr Amélia Deveau, in religion Sr St Cyril Marie.

For those who have never had the opportunity to know her, Amélia has always been a woman full of life, a person of relationships. Wherever Amélia went she was gifted with the ability to create friendships that often lasted over the years. In other words, she took an interest in everything and even today she is very grateful to the Lord for the blessings of all these years.



Technology to our rescue


We had planned a very special celebration along with some family members, the Sisters and residents but the virus upset these plans… as it keeps doing so to many across the world. Despite the fact that we were unable to celebrate as foreseen, modern means of technology enabled us to reach her by “Skype”. After several attempts, with the help of the nurse from Monarch Hall, the long term care facility in Riverview, New Brunswick, where Amélia lives, we finally managed to communicate our wishes to her, one by one, while still observing the recommended distances. It also provided the occasion for us to convey the congratulations and best wishes of our Provincial, Monique Brûlé, as well as those of the members of the General Council. Unfortunately, the Sisters of Canterbury Hall and those residing outside Riverview could not join us, given their own situation of confinement.





Souvenir album


An album was presented to Amélia with congratulations from Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth, our Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Justin Trudeau, the Premier of New-Brunswick, Mr. Blaine Higgs, as well as many others. What touched Amélia the most was a message from her native parish of Saulnierville, Nova Scotia. In this album, the Sisters of Royal Court also expressed their best wishes to our dear centenarian.


Amélia really appreciated the fact that we were able to speak with her, despite the current situation. We really long to visit her in person once this confinement period is over.


A small bonus


To show that the Sisters of River View are not the only ones to master the new technologies, the web team are offering this little “virtual” present to Amélia, with a thought too for all our Sisters who have not been able to come together to celebrate their birthdays at this time!



Srs Jeanne Comeau et Jacqueline Desroches dj

Riverview Nouveau Brunswick, Canada



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